area around UM

<p>hey everyone,
I really really like miami...the university has so much to offer! i feel as if it is the best fit for me (small size, one on one attention, etc). But when my parents talk about UM with their friends, they get looks like "wow you're going to send your daughter to miami!? that's such a scary and bad area!! there are shootings every day" but im not going to be going out in the city that often. im a pre-med student so im sure most of my college will go by studying lol. if i ever go in the city, it will be to go shopping, the football games, or the beach (I dont drink btw). but my parents are really hesitant about the area and idk what to do to convince them. can people who currently attend UM tell me that when you go out in the city, do u feel unsafe? isn't UM in the nice area of miami? have you heard of any bad incidents happen to students who go out in the city?</p>

<p>What your mom’s friends have said is ridiculous. UM is in Coral Gables, one of the nicest (if not the nicest) areas in Miami. Very expensive, upscale, safe, etc. There are some bad areas of Miami of course, but it’s really never an issue. Of course there is some crime on campus, but that happens anywhere. I used to stay at the Comm School till 1 or 2 in the morning working on projects and I never felt unsafe walking back to my dorm or my car. When you go out just make sure you’re always in groups and take a cab or the campus shuttle or get a ride wherever you’re going.</p>

<p>And Miami is nothing like it was in the 80s, if that’s what they’re thinking.</p>

<p>Coral Gables is one of the most prestigious neighborhoods not just in Miami, but in the country. It’s safe and beautiful.</p>

<p>A few years ago when we were looking at schools I was also concerned about safety. The thing is, I really had NO idea what Miami was like at all. After visiting, especially the area around the school, I found my fears for our daughter’s safety totally unfounded. </p>

<p>The area of Coral Gables is very upscale, beautiful, and safe. My daughter also rides the Metro by herself (in the day), takes the local buses, and even rides her bike to the RSMAS Campus when the shuttle is not running.</p>

<p>Like in any big city, you have to know where to go and what areas to avoid. Just use common sense and you will really enjoy this wonderful school and city.</p>

<p>I was born and raised in Miami, specifically Coconut Grove (yes, with all the hippies). Coconut Grove along with Coral Gables are very nice areas. granted, there is crime everywhere. anyone anywhere can break into a car, a house, or steal your purse. personally, I think Miami is a safe city if you’re in the right neighborhood. I’ve heard horror stories of people being robbed in other areas but they are very few and far in-between.</p>

<p>Seriously, talk to your parents about coming to Miami. it’s a great city, expensive, but great. I wouldn’t want to live here for the rest of my life but it’s been good to me so far. Also, there are bad parts of the Grove, downtown, etc. much like every city. you just gotta be brave and cautious like you should be everywhere you go.</p>

<p>Campus and the area surrounding campus are very safe. My suggestions would be to come visit campus and to have their friends turn off the “Scarface” and “Miami Vice” dvds.</p>

<p>It’s funny the way peoples’ faces scrunch up and look pained the moment Miami gets mentioned. Not sure why it gets THAT bad a rap, particularly the parts we are talking about (Coconut Grove, Coral Gables).</p>