Art therapy grad school advice

<p>Hey all, I found this site by accident and found some very helpful stuff, but nothing specifically to my question.</p>

<p>I'm applying to Pratt and SVA for my MPS in art therapy. SVA accepted me, Pratt called me back for an interview. I am having a very difficult time choosing between the two (presuming Pratt accepts me; I'd rather have my decision made when I hear from them either way!). I am trying to get as complete a picture of each school as I can before I commit.</p>

<p>I want to hear from any students/parents of students attending grad school at either Pratt or SVA, whether or not they were/are attending for art therapy. Was the school "as advertised"? How flexible (or rigid) was the structure? Did you feel lost? I am finding tons of feedback on undergrad, but very little on graduate.</p>

<p>Thanks all!</p>