This article is a year old but still gives some good information about UT Dallas.
nice story. though UTD is still far from the MITs and GTs of the universe in terms of R&D. per NSF, UTD only spent 94M in R&D in 2015. that’s a far cry from Johns Hopkins’ 2.3B and A&M’s 866M. UTD isn’t even #1 in the Dallas area. UT Southwestern’s R&D was 433M.
Many people on CC have pointed out that universities with an attached medical school have higher levels of research $.
And their point is? Even if you look at the universities that UTD is comparing itself to in the article, MIT, GT, and UCSD, we’re talking about 930M, 765M, and 1.1B respectively. And neither does MIT nor GT have a med school. I love UTD but let’s not get too much ahead of ourselves and think we’re in the big leagues (yet).