Artistic acceptances MT/Acting class of 2026

Thank you! I am so sorry to hear your D was a no… I have been following though and looks like she has some good offers to consider also!!! My D did also get into New York Film Academy for MT. They are not BFA program yet but have applied to be and hope to be by the fall. They offered her a pretty awesome talent scholarship. It didn’t look like Boco offered her a talent scholarship so will have to see what we can negotiate… definitely cannot afford the hefty cost without financial help!

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and nyu should be tomorrow

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Congratulations! So happy for her!

I’m sorry.

I am sorry! Even with great options, the no’s still stink!

Hi! We haven’t visited either one the Campuses since she is an international applicant. However we have watched and read pretty much everything we could find on both schools. :blush:
CCM has amazing facilities and dorms, while Hartt is older. Faculty is equally amazing on both. However she likes how Hartt treats the art division as one, not creating a separation between MT/Acting/dance, students have the opportunity to work together and take Classes with the same professors. CCM is VERY divided and in an email the admission counsellor was very emphatic in saying that she could take lessons in other areas of interest ( within the arts dept) mainly from upper classmen, and that the departments are separate.

She also messaged students from both programs and it seems that at HARTT they are less competitive towards each other, having a more positive “lift each other up” attitude.

But they are both great programs :relaxed:


It’s been an interesting few days. On Friday D unexpectedly got a “yes” from Northwestern. She has probably looked at that email with its confetti about 100 times since then. Too bad tuition is over 80K. Good thing there are scholarships! But wait–not for her! I told her she should get a t-shirt made that says “I turned down Northwestern”. :rofl:

A couple of days later we visited the school that is her top choice right now. It truly does seem like the perfect fit and I could not be happier for her. She wants to wait to commit until after all decisions are in, however. As we were eating lunch in one of the campus dining halls, the WMU decision came in–rejected. On the car ride home the BOCO decision came–also rejected. We decided that is the universe’s way of saying it approves of her choice! :blush:


awww that’s such a great attitude. Where is the school that is her top choice, if you care to say! I love that attitude and we will pass it on if need be over here!!

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Congratulations and yes what a wonderful positive attitude. My D’s BU expected cost of attendance came in at over $82,000 for the first year! The price of higher education is a topic for another forum but geez…

Thank you so much for this valuable information!! My son didn’t get into CCM, but he is considering Hartt as one of his top choices. I am happy to hear that is seems to be a really strong program!

Well, D got into BoCo MT but not a drop of aid. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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are you sure it won’t come later? We thought the same with Emerson but received Fin Aid about 3 weeks after acceptance.


My DD is in the decision phase. Her final three choices are: Wagner BA MT Performance, Nebraska Wesleyan BFA MT, Marymount Manhattan BFA Acting (Waitlisted for Baldwin Wallace so considering that as a no right now) I know we have NWU and Wagner parents here and those are really her top 2. If you have any feedback please reach out. Good vibes post here. Negatives to consider PM me:) Thanks and BAL to everyone.

Hi! I am faculty at Nebraska Wesleyan in the theatre department! Happy to answer any questions you may have! I have a D going through the audition process as well and did get into Nebraska Wesleyan for MT but really wants to leave Nebraska :slight_smile:

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That’s so funny. My D’s dad runs the BFA MT at Illinois Wesleyan so she certainly can’t stay here. Lol. I think my D feels like the NWU wasn’t that competitive and therefore feels other schools she had to work for. She is visiting in April. I prefer her be in Nebraska vs NYC but she wants the big city.

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A no from Tisch. That was the last of ‘em. Here’s where we stand:

Western Illinois (BFA MT)
University of New Hampshire (BA MT)

Likely to release soon:
Pace (BFA Acting)
Manhattanville (BFA MT)

Most likely contenders:
Western Michigan (BFA MT)
Nazareth (BFA MT)


Sorry about NYU. Looks terrific options though!

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Son is waitlisted at Pace (FTVC) and that is his first choice. Hoping to get off list!!


still trying to assess naz vs western mich! maybe shadow classes at both? good luck!


We are visiting both next week :slight_smile:

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