Arts Supplement recommendation?

<p>The Common App online arts supplement asks for a letter of reference in the form of an upload box. Wouldn't that mean that it would be your responsibility to upload the rec electronically, then? Isn't this a little unethical since in the process you would see the rec?</p>

<p>Thanks to anyone who can shed some light on this...</p>

<p>I've been wondering the same thing too...</p>


<p>Did anyone figure this out?</p>

<p>I guess it doesn’t matter if you see the rec?

<p>I decided to mail my supplement, so I dont really have this problem…</p>

<p>Can you mail in the arts supplement even if the rest of the application has been online?</p>

<p>yup. commonapp doesnt seem to have a problem with it. You just tick the correct option in the Commonapp.</p>