As a Smith kid in scholars, should I do BSE or Freshman Fellows?

<p>I was accepted into scholars and Smith and was looking into doing B.S.E. I recently found out there is a program for all students in smith called Freshman Fellows. You CANNOT do Fellows though, IF you do B.S.E. They are both the same exact thing, but in B.S.E you have the whole living together portion included. So, would it be a good idea to do B.S.E and no fellows, or a scholars program in a different topic AND Fellows? Do most Smith kids in scholars choose Fellows over B.S.E??</p>

<p>help by answering please</p>

<p>Where does it say you can’t do two together?</p>

<p>It’s a Scholars policy. BSE is run with the help of the business school, and they both agreed that it’s basically the same thing as Freshman Fellows, so you can’t do both.</p>

<p>My DS is currently enrolled in Smith School and BSE Scholars… Last year, we too had a very difficult time discerning between the two programs and received lots conflicting information on whether DS could do both, should select FF or BSE, etc… At the end of the day, the programs are similar and selection should come down to personal interest and affinity for a specific Scholars program. </p>

<p>Smith-BSE is coordinated by Marc Wellman who is a dynamic Prof in the Business School. BSE students take BMGT110 together in a Scholars section at the Cambridge Community and have a two hour a week colloquium at Van Munching that is taught by Wellman. Through the BSE colloquium, there are extracurricular activities and several impressive trips available (NYSE, Fed Reserve & Intl travel). In FF, the students also have their own section for BMGT110 and other extracurricular activities available. </p>

<p>Smith-BSE Students have access to all the Smith School activities (clubs, guest speakers, internships, special event, etc) and can participate in the Freshman Fellows functions on a space available basis. There is a good description of the FF program on the Smith School website.</p>