I heard being an asian male in engineering is basically a guaranteed rejection. Is there anyway to identify as Indian as opposed to simply Asian. Would a change like this increase my chances of acceptance? Also, since computer science is the stereotypical major for asian males, would picking a different engineering (like ChemE or BiomE) increase chances instead of applying as a comp sci major?
If that mattered (and often it does not), that may not necessarily be advantageous.
If a college admits by major, and your actual desired major is more selective, then entering the college under a less selective major means that you will face another admission process later to get into your actual desired major. This is because the more selective major is filled to capacity, so those changing major must compete for the few available spaces freed due to attrition.
You’re about to enter a very analytical field. Please be on the look out now for false/exaggerated info that comes your way. Your first sentence is simply nutso and you need to go back and challenge where you got those assumptions.