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<p>When did Frost Students get their admissions decisions last year?</p>

<p>hello -</p>

<p>I’m not sure when the notifications for Frost went out last year, but you can go go the music forum and look in the thread about 2010 acceptances… perhaps that will help.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>we were initially told that notices for Fall 2011 would go out March 25th; yesterday we were told that they were running behind schedule, and notices would go out at the end of the month.</p>

<p>hope this helps -</p>

<p>This thread is from 2007. The original poster who offered to answer questions would have graduated by now. You should probably start new threads to ask your questions.</p>

<p>The entire campus has wifi, so you can even sit anywhere outside and connect. I have never heard my daughter complain about slow connections. </p>

<p>As for the freshmen dorms. They are both indentical. Hecht has a nicer lobby, but Stanford has a covered walkway to the dining hall. I would rather not get wet going to eat then have a nicer lobby. </p>

<p>The reputation is that the partiers go to Hecht and the more serious students to Stanford. This is a gross generalization. Both dorms are really a mix of the two.</p>

<p>I asked my DS and this is what he said:</p>

<p>Wireless is always 5 bars on campus, and it is available everywhere. There is a wired hookup in every dorm room for both residents and it is not slow at all. But certain programs like Skype do have their issues.</p>

<p>The rooms in both Hecht and Stanford are all the same. The main difference is that Hecht has a renovated lobby and also newer elevators. Stanford has much more character and now Stanford can say that it houses the Sportsfest Champions from this past year. Stanford generally houses more music majors, as it is closer to the music school than Hecht is. Stanford has had the only substance-free floors of the 2 residential colleges for the last few years. My DS heard that Hecht may have the same sub-free floors next year as well. Other than that, both residential colleges house an overall similar type of resident. Now that there is a yearly turnover of a new freshman class, the overall impression of each dorm, in comparison with the other, will change yearly as well.</p>

<p>Thanks for the 1st hand feedback on the wifi</p>