<p>@lisamarix–sorry for the delay! My stats were pretty miserable. -_-
I had like an 88 or 89 avg from HS. So that’s a B+ and my SAT was 1020? Or something like that. YEA. I did have extracurricular activities–I was a club prez, volunteered at school, did school plays…etc. I think I wrote a good personal statement–I knew what my major is going to be, I was certain that I wanted it and I think I displayed a genuine “drive.” </p>
<p>But here’s the trick: it’s also your money. Remember that HEOP is looking at your fin aid situation. When I was being interviewed, my mother’s tax papers were on the interviewers desk. And he looked at them and said: “You have a really good chance of getting in based on this.”</p>
<p>So if your stats are not great–like mine–you still have a shot at it…</p>
<p>Yes, HEOP students can live on campus. If you live relatively close, HEOP is not likely to pay for your dorm. I lived in Brooklyn, it took me about an hour to get to school, so they wouldn’t let me dorm for free. It’s understandable–there were students who came from Upstate New York, Long Island, Staten Island, farther parts of Jersey…and so they lived on campus and had their expenses paid. I’m not sure if the ENTIRE cost of their dorm was covered…but I think for sure, they were allocated some money towards it.</p>
<p>@brklyn–sorry for the delay! My Stafford and Perkins loans have me, for all 4 years of college, **$22,438 **. Note, however, that I sometimes took out more loans than necessary…when you do that, they will refund you whatever the excess amount is, so you have cash on your hands. Long story. LOL.</p>
<p>HEOP can cover the entire cost or a portion of your dorm. If you live far, like upstate NY, or can make a legitimate claim that it takes you forever to go from wherever you are to NYU, they can help you. I would say expect like 8-10k addition to your bill a year if you’re dorming. I didn’t dorm on campus so I have very little idea of how that works. But, when I studied abroad, my dorm was either four thousand or 5 thousand something dollars and I remember that HEOP covered it.
I think HEOP has a range, so like if the cost of your dorm is under 4k or 5k per semester, they can pay for you…but I would speak to a counselor to know for sure.</p>
<p>@hops12: I’m sorry, I don’t think I know anything about it I can’t recall any friends/classmates that did it either…I’m sorry I can’t be more useful!</p>
<p>I didn’t like commuting…I felt like all I did was come and go…it didn’t feel “homey.” It was classes, work, train…repeat. It took me 1 hour to get to school…back and forth Monday thru Friday, that’s 10 hours of commuting. Some people say you can study on the train, but when you’re stuck between a crying toddler and someone’s armpit during rush hour, you won’t be doing any studying.
However, it DOES save a chunk of change. The cheapest rate that I see for NYU dorm was $6,620 per year (I looked up the rates for 2009-10 and saw Rubin Hall lowest price). Buying a monthly unlimited metrocard for $89 a month is $1068 per year. </p>
<p>I think NYU is a good school. I’m glad I went there. I was lucky to have a very supportive academic department and doing a major that I honestly enjoyed. I had a good financial aid package but still needed loans…like I mentioned, my overall debt is 22 thousand something. I think that it’s worth the money.</p>
<p>I think you are considered for it as an incoming freshman. I didn’t have it…</p>
<p>"Lewis Rudin City Scholars</p>
<p>Rudin Scholars are outstanding entering freshmen selected from public and parochial high schools in all five boroughs of New York City. In addition to their scholarship, the scholars participate in academic and cultural activities in New York City. The program is named in honor of the late real estate developer Lewis Rudin, former president of the Association for a Better New York and NYU alumnus and trustee. "</p>
<p>How you become a Rudin Scholar…I’ve no clue.</p>
<p>Hi Hi breathfire =]
I have been recently accepted to NYU through HEOP yet the college I really wanted to be part of was NYU Poly. Is it easy to transfer from NYU to NYU Poly? Can you tell me of the other scholarships that you received? In your opinion is it worth it going to NYU for computer science? Are the classes in NYU as hard as the rumors say they are?
yes, I am very curious person xD!</p>
<p>Hi Breathfire,
My question isn’t related to the admissions process but about scheduling for sophomore year classes. I was wondering if you had any suggestions for which classes to take/not to take together because I heard that some courses are very group work intensive so you don’t want to take a bunch at the same time. I know that I am definitely taking FA in the fall.</p>
<p>Since I’m going to be candid with you guys…this is what my Spring 2009 Bursar record looked like. The F & E Backer Scholarship–to be honest with you, it just appeared on my statement. NYU kept renaming the CAS scholarship. It used to be all CAS Scholarship…then the Perry Collins thing appeared, then F & E Backer…but I never applied or did anything to get these externally somehow. They were just granted to me! Also, notice that I took about $487 more than necessary in loans, in which case it was refunded to me as a check. I owed the health center some money, so that’s in there too…but otherwise, have a look see at what my senior Bursar statement looked like:</p>
<p>11/28/2008 F & E Backer Schlp $ -500.00<br>
11/28/2008 Perry M Collins Schlp $ -8,365.00<br>
11/28/2008 Cas Scholarship $ -1,800.00<br>
12/07/2008 Coll.of Arts& Science Tuit. $ 17,615.00<br>
12/07/2008 Cas Regist.& Svcs.Fee $ 1,071.00<br>
12/07/2008 Cas Academic Support Fee $ 25.00<br>
12/07/2008 Student Hlth.Ins.Plan-Basic $ 852.00<br>
12/16/2008 Nys Tap Award $ -2,450.00<br>
01/10/2009 Pell Grant 2008-2009 $ -2,240.00<br>
detail Eft Payment-Stafford $ -2,695.00<br>
01/13/2009 Refund To Student-A $ 487.00<br>
detail Health Ctr.Charges-Past Due $ 60.00<br>
03/25/2009 Cas Supplemental Scholarship $ -2,000.00<br>
04/19/2009 Finance Charge $ 1.32<br>
06/10/2009 Payment - Cash $ -61.32 </p>
<pre><code> Subtotal for requested Charges/Debits $ 20,111.32
Subtotal for requested Payments/Credits $ -20,111.32
<p>@thinkagain: I’m sorry I can’t tell you about NYU Poly…but I would think that it’s still competitive. Scholarships–I posted the my Bursars account above, so you can see exactly what it looked like for me. Yours could be different! </p>
<p>I didn’t know anyone majoring in computer science. Funnily, I work in a computer science department now at City College. I would major in whatever YOU think it’s worth majoring in. Personally, I think NYU is a well recognized school so whatever major you choose doesn’t really matter TOO much. Unless it’s…basket weaving or something lol. However, if plan–in the future, which you don’t have to think about right now–to attend graduate school or any other professional school, it might be worth to look at which programs NYU excels in. I did anthropology for undergrad and found out that NYU is a top anthropology graduate school, which means that the faculty I know from my undergrad years are pretty well known elsewhere (which makes for awesome recommendations). </p>
<p>Classes are challenging. But, I graduated with honors despite the fact that I worked 15-20+ hrs per week at my job. So it is doable. Sometimes you can’t avoid taking classes that will crush you, but you can feel out what kinds of classes you do better in…those that have exams? those that have essays? I took classes that leaned towards papers because I suck at exams. I knew a girl who said to me how much it’s stressing her out and that she can feeling impending doom. I asked what her major was and she said, I improvise: psycho-bio-chemo-medical…well DUH. No wonder she was stressed out.</p>
<p>@ star_rider. It’s been a while since I took NYU classes…what’s FA?
Yep, in my sophomore year I decided to finish off my major. Took all the remaining classes in it. And almost died. I did very well, but the level of strength if took was driving me nuts at times. </p>
<p>Since I don’t know which school or major you have, I can’t say specifically what to take or not. Generally, though, I think sophomore year is a good time to get school requirements out of the way (in CAS, the Morse plan courses). This is because I think that if you leave those pesky required courses hanging, you’ll be dealing with them at a later that that’s less convenient. For example, if you plan on studying abroad your junior year (I did), you would not be tied down to choosing a location that offers a cross-listed course that you need to take to get the credits. Some people could <em>only</em> go to London because of some requirement they absolutely needed to complete and it was only offered there. </p>
<p>If you are done with your school reqs, take 1 or 2 of your major reqs. I took 3 + French, it was an overload bc of the number of essays and readings. If you’re totally done with everything or want to leave some bits for later and have nothing to do at the moment: I had a great elective “Modernity” from the Comparative Lit. dept. Easy going class, I would even say an easy A, with LOTS to think about. So I recommend a Comp. Lit course if you’re into that stuff.</p>
<p>Do you get housing for the summer classes of heop??</p>
<p>Thanks for the reply breathfire! How were the summer classes for HEOP? Were they hard or easy? Are classes actually from 9am-5pm? Did you have to commute for this as well? Thanks!</p>
<p>i also wanted to know more about the summer courses.</p>
<p>Right now i am stuck deciding between occidental college in Los Angeles and NYU CAS through HEOP? I want to gain that college experience but NYU is such a great school. So i dont know if its worth sacrificing my trip to LA for the next 4 years</p>
<p>@loveu: if you live far away, yes. My friend from upstate ny got housing, free.</p>
<p>@brklyn1: yea, the classes take a while. you can have a break in between…sometimes a large gap, actually. I remember I had to take math, prose writing, con.west (its been renamed now)…and maybe something else that I can’t remember. They are not hard. For me, the hardest was math…but that’s because I’m a train wreck in that subject. Con. West is analytical skills and writing essays based on readings, I did well in that because I write pretty well. HOWEVER, most people do badly in Prose Writing. For some reason, that class just ends up giving you a bad grade. I had a bad/mediocre grade in it too even though throughout college my writing granted me B+ at the lowest and rarest moments. It’s not hard as much as it’s…tedious. It’s long hours and homework on hot summer days. </p>
<p>Yes, I commuted for this. If you live far away enough, they will pay for your dorm. I was envious of people who had the dorms…some of the dorms were apartment style and looked pretty damn good! Grr.</p>
<p>@luckystarz: the HEOP program is definitely worth it. I would not have made it thru NYU had it not been for HEOP. The stipend really helps—it buys you all the books you needs, so it’s really a good deal. </p>
<p>Summer courses: long, tedious, but…they don’t count in your GPA so even if you mess up, it won’t matter in the long run. The highlight of them is that you get to know the university way before the regular fresh(wo)men get there. You know where to go and how to find things. You would have already read some of the literature and discussed it, like in Con West. You would have improved your writing skills before starting college…honestly, it’s worth it. </p>
<p>I don’t know about the Occidental College…and college experience is overrated…in my HUMBLE opinion. LOL. Sometimes I wish I went to the traditional college…lawn, frisbees, the dorm life…and all that good stuff you see on TV. But, honestly, someone I knew went to such a school (Stony Brook–lots of space, lots of grass, dorms, etc) and it was…just…dead. You’re enclosed and all you do class, dorm, party. Sounds good for a year but then it’s just…bleh. I don’t know if OC is like that and if that’s what you mean by “college experience”…But if the only thing keeping you away from NYU is the summer program, I can say with no reservation: IT IS WORTH IT.</p>
<p>hi breathfire…i have the same dilemma as luckystarz…
the thing is that i got accepted to both nyu heop(lsp) and fordham heop…im torn between choosing both cause i basically received the exact same aid package for both and its basically a free ride…i want the “college experience” that fordham could give me (i’d be going to lincoln center) but nyu is nyu! my family is pushing for nyu, even tho they still like fordham, cause it would most likely open more doors for me</p>
<p>i’d be commuting to either school and its not that bad cause i live extremely close to manhattan and ive commuted to the city my whole life and know it like the back of my hand…plus i love ny
wat do u think is the better choice…be honest
<p>thnx u guys…yea after long debating with myself ive decided to go nyu! i hope it lives up to my ideas of it =D</p>