Ask me: NYU 2009 Graduate answers questions (Including HEOP)

<p><strong><em>This thread is also posted in the colledge admissions forum, sorry if that's repetitive but I thought some people might not look in both places</em></strong></p>

<p>Hi Guys,</p>

<p>I graduated from NYU in 2009. I know many of you are stressing over the admissions process, so I thought it might be helpful to offers some insights about the school. I can especially help you with questions about...:</p>

<li>HEOP (Higher Education Opportunity Program)</li>
<li>Commuting (I never dormed...sigh)</li>
<li>Anthropology (my major)</li>
<li>Campus jobs (worked all 4 years)</li>
<li>School activities (I was involved & had leadership positions in clubs)</li>

<p>And, of course anything else you guys want to know about NYU. I'm here to answer. </p>

<p>Love and success,


<p>I just wanted to know your thoughts. I am interviewing for NYU’s graduate Drama Therapy program and have been accepted to Tisch for Graduate Performance Studies. Is there really a huge difference in experience between attending Tisch as opposed to another school in NYU?</p>


<p>@Shelo3: I only came inside the Tisch building a few times…and for random errands. I went to CAS and from MY perspective…Tish is its own little world. For example, my friend who went to Tisch would tell me how the students got together to rehearse at really late times. He was a commuter so it was difficult for him to adjust to that scheduling. It seems like Tisch would have you do alot of work outside the courses (rehearsing, filming, etc) and so you’re sort of almost always involved in some Tisch-y project whereas other programs are less…consuming? Well, maybe besides Stern–they got their own world too. </p>

<p>BUT…this is all undergraduate. Graduate students probably have a different feel for things no matter which program. I really cannot answer your question with confidence if only because I was not a Tisch student. I think there will be a difference in how things are scheduled (rehearsal times, as mentioned) & level of involvement but you’ll still attend classes like the usual student and mingle with other departments/schools so you’re not totally isolated. It won’t be THAT huge but you’ll have a streak of …Tischiness about you. :slight_smile: which is a GREAT thing. I was always envious of that.</p>