Ask Questions about A&M Here (BIMS, etc.)

Howdy! This website was so helpful to me when I applied to college and to celebrate the day that I got accepted to A&M ( a year and two weeks ago ), I want to help future Ags. I am glad to answer questions anyone might have about BIMS or any other majors, academics, social life, etc.

MODERATOR’S NOTE: Anyone is free to ask or answer questions in this thread.

Hi I got accepted to A&M for BIMS & I’m still deciding if I wanna go to A&M :-/ Would you say that classes are really difficult?..what’s the course load like? What are the fun/interesting things you get to do in the major? And is there a lot of diversity and like tons of clubs and stuff? Sorry for all the questions!

What’s the sedimentation coefficient of the small ribosomal subunit, again?

Howdy @Sparklekim and I do not mind the questions! BIMS is a great major for anyone who wants to go to any pre-health school because you get pre reqs out of the way and you can solely focus on them. Some classes were easier than others, some were harder. I felt that college was a bit easier than my high school, but the key to success in college are time management skills and taking advantages of the resources available to you! The hardest class for me was Chem 101 and the lab. Chem lab was a pain in the butt, but the grade is curved at the end! If you are going to take Chem 101 get it with Williamson.I was still able to get grades in those classes in them too! My first semester I took 14 hours (BIMS does your schedule your first semester). I had some free time with that. Now, I am taking 16 hours and it is doable and I still have free time. Your first semester you are probably going to take all pre-req classes and core curriculum classes, but the cool BIMS classes are in the upper-level. Certain BIMS classes have some pre-reqs too. My friend is taking ENTO 208 (a BIMS electives) and she gets to dissect bugs. There is a lot of diversity at A&M. Everywhere I go on campus, I hear different languages and accents, see different racial backgrounds, hear different political views, different religions, etc. There are clubs for everyone! There are around 800 different organizations and the clubs range from recreational such as gaming to professional like Pre-Med Society! I hope you choose to go to A&M! Feel free to ask me anymore questions!

Sorry @JustOneDad I can’t answer that question. I do not remember that for Biology and I hated Biology in high school.

AmymyahO - So glad to hear you are having a great experience at Texas A&M. My freshman daughter would probably agree with all your comments about the clubs and loves it too! Great post – It is wonderful for prospective freshman to be able to talk with someone who is really there and living it!

Thank you @NETarranMom when I was a prospective freshman I really wanted to know about A&M from current students. None of my friends or family members went to A&M, but this website really helped me a lot!

@amymyah0‌ : What would you say are the career prospects for a BIMS major? Are there things that one can do with just a BS if one were not yet ready to apply to grad school or professional school?

I was glad to hear that you still have some free time with 16 hours. Do you know BIMS majors in upper-level courses, and what their schedules are like?

Also, do you know anyone who is doing undergrad research as a BIMS major and how that works?

@bctnln1059 A lot of people with BIMS majors choose to become doctors, vets, pharmacists, nurses, podiatrists, physician assistants, dentists, dental hygienists…here is a link of possible job opportunities: In my opinion, there is not a lot of job opportunities with just a BS in Bims. You could do some research or some pharmaceutical sales, that is what some people do with just a BIMS degree do. Classes get harder and you will not have a lot of free time to go to Northgate every weekend, just occasionally as an upperclassmen.I only know other freshman and sophomore BIMS majors. For research, you have to talk about the BIMS advisors. Research can also count as credit too. BIMS 101 class which every BIMS major takes will have a speaker talk more about underground research.


When do we hear about scholarships.Will it post on howdy?

also I am coming to visit in February I’m taking the shuttle from Houston staying at the four points Sheraton . Do we need to rent a car to get around campus or will the shuttles be good enough.

What are your favorite type of doughnuts?

@albert69 I like glazed doughnuts. @kitty11 The Scholarships Office begins awarding scholarships usually around February through April. You should get email an email if you were awarded any scholarships and it will be posted on Howdy in the My Finance tab. In my opinion, I would rent a car.

@amymyah0 Hey! I was offered temporary housing due to applying after the priority deadline. Do you think I have a decent chance of getting a permanent room instead of a temporary one?

You have a chance! @amatt15. My friend was offered temporary housing and she was able to live on campus.Just don’t expect to be living in Hullabaloo. A lot of people decide to either cancel housing and go to another school or they decide to live off campus. When exactly did you applied?

@amymyah0 I put my application in January 25th. I was pretty set on TAMU until I found out about temporary housing. This has made my decision a little more grey, haha.

@amymyah0 Sorry, when I saw your thread, it was the first thing that popped into my head and I couldn’t get rid of it. :slight_smile:

But, now, I am a little confused. What does BIMS cover? What coursework did you take?

@amatt15 You have a shot. I am just surprised housing closed this early. Last year it closed in Feb.

@JustOneDad BIMS stands for biomedical sciences. BIMS cover all the pre reqs that you need when applying to health related professional schools (medicine, pharmacy, optometry, dentistry, nursing, veterinary, public health, etc.) and you can take some classes that you see in those schools too like Immunology, Pharmacology, etc. Every BIMS person must take Calculus, Gen. Chem. 1 and 2 with their labs, Biology, Physics, Organic Chemistry, Statistics, BIMS 101, Biochemistry, Anatomy. Microbiology, Physiology, and Genetics. You also have to take BIMS electives and also University required Core Curriculum.

Is there a website to see who got merit scholarships? What were the stats? I am OOS and need one to attend with OOS waiver.