<p>In general, how often do colleges ask for more monologues and songs? and how often do they want to "work" those monologues/songs?
Is it also likely that they will ask me to sing the entire song or maybe in a different key?</p>
<p>I have heard that Carnegie mellon likes to do a lot of that, but I haven't heard much about that for other schools.</p>
<p>I don’t think you can state a general rule for any school. Each student’s experience at each school may be different even at schools that have a “reputation” for having an interactive audition. And whether a school asks you to make adjustments in your monologues, repeat a song, do another piece etc is not necessarily reflective of any conclusions the auditors may be reaching. The only thing you can do is come prepared for anything, armed with a couple of extra songs and monologues and know them inside and out so that regardless of what is thrown at you you feel confident about your material.</p>
<p>In my daughter’s college audition process, some schools asked for adjustments in one monologue or asked her to repeat a song, some did both, others asked for nothing. There was no pattern to her acceptances based on those experiences. CMU, since you mention it, asked her to repeat a monologue as a “spoiled Valley Girl” and had her repeat a song for the head of the vocal program. Other students auditioning that day were not given direction. UArts had her repeat a song and adjusted a monologue. Syracuse, Ithaca and Emerson, nothing. At none of her auditions was she asked to do additional material beyond the stated requirements on the school’s audition website. Other students she spoke to or that we know had different experiences at the same schools and among those students that we remained in contact with, there was no pattern to their acceptances based on their experiences either.</p>
<p>It’s true that CMU does this sort of thing frequently. My D spent almost 15 minutes with them working on her monologue. At Syracuse, she was asked to repeat a song at a different tempo – but not in a different key. And recently another student of mine was asked for an additional monologue while at a Syracuse audition. Several schools requested additional vocalizing to determine range. I think it depends on what you’ve presented – if they want to hear more, they’ll ask.</p>
<p>A couple years ago, Ithaca did work with one of my son’s songs at his audition and had him sing it again - twice, I believe. </p>
<p>This only happened at Ithaca - 1 out of his 5 auditions.</p>
<p>Yesterday at Syracuse I was asked to do another monologue - a more contemporary one. From the people I talked to no one was asked to do more than two songs.</p>