Asking Online Professor What I Missed on Exam

Hey guys. I thought I would ask for some navigation advice on my summer class I’m taking. IT’S MY LAST CLASS!!! :smiley:

Anyways, I’m taking a random online class to satisfy degree requirements. I took the midterm this morning and I did mostly okay on it. I missed three questions, but the exam does not let you know what you missed.

According to the syllabus, the final is not comprehensive and the only feedback you’ll be provided on any exam is the score. Is it worth talking to the professor to discover what I missed? I genuinely thought I only missed one question, so that’s why it’s bugging me so much. As well, I’m only allowed to miss 7 questions on the final to still make an A at best. Due to the nature of the class, it will NOT look good on my transcript if it ends up a B (It’s a class on getting a job).

Again, the syllabus states you won’t receive any feedback on exams other than the grade, which seems to imply that the instructor (who is also a first-time TA) will not tell you anything about your exam, so I think it’s a little unfair that we can’t discover what we missed. Should this be something I ask about?

As frustrating as that sounds, my instinct is that if it says on the syllabus that you won’t receive feedback, you shouldn’t try to ask for feedback or else you’ll just be instructed to read the syllabus. That said though, I’m generally on the passive side myself so maybe others’ input could be useful.

That would bother me, too, but I would just let it go because the instructor most likely won’t discuss the results with you.

I think this is a disadvantage to students because you aren’t learning anything if you can’t see what you missed. If you don’t learn from your mistakes, you aren’t learning.

My one online professor I had last year always told us to ask her what we missed on an exam, and she would explain everything in detail if we asked.

I’ll let it go, and I don’t think it would look bad when you are applying for jobs. Your GPA matters when you are getting your first job. Afterwards, its your experience. Besides most jobs don’t ask for your transcript anyways!