Math and science have always been passions of mine. I've always taken the most challenging classes offered to me in these areas for my own personal gratification -- the problem is, I have horrible test anxiety in math classes (something I'm finally getting over a little too late). I'm a junior and my desire is to be an engineer (**specifically nuclear). Will I even be accepted into decent engineering colleges with these grades?</p>
<p>Weighted GPA: 4.8
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
*<em>Ranking: Top 11% and I have 1000+ kids in my school
*</em>Gender/Ethnicity: Female/Latina
SAT: 1900 (first time taking it, without studying. Will retake) R-730 M-610 W-560
(These should all go up once the credits of this year's AP classes are input)</p>
<p>I've received A's on every class except in math and AP Chemistry.</p>
<p>Geometry Honors: A|A
Algebra 2 Honors: B|B
Precalculus Honors: C|B+
AP Calculus AB: B|A (Haven't taken AP test yet. On every practice AP exam I have scored a 5. Projected score=5)
AP Chemistry: B|? (grades have not been imputed yet)
Physics Honors: A
Chemistry Honors: A
Biology Honors: A</p>
<p>AP's I've taken thus far (A grades too):
AP Euro
AP Psych
AP English Lang
AP Chem
AP Calc AB</p>
<p>Next year's schedule:
AP Calculus BC
AP Physics C (Mechanics/E&M)
Organic chemistry honors
AP Gov
AP Econ
AP Italian
AP English Literature</p>
<p>Advice, comments, a shoulder to cry on?</p>
<p>Latina Female is one of the most underrepresented demographics in most engineering programs in the country - you have very good grades considering your course rigor - your SAT as of right now is quite solid - just bring up M&W to 650+ and you will be in a good spot to gain entrance into some competitive programs. </p>
<p>@preamble1776 You’re the first person to give me such an optimistic outlook. Those around me are convinced I’d be lucky to enter any engineering program at all. Thank you so much. I’ll continue working harder.</p>
<p>URM will get you places and I mean that seriously, your scores are fantastic. Look to Khan Academy for SAT Math help, they solve every type of problem and helped me close to an 800 as a freshman. Good luck. :)</p>
<p>@apandia I only hope my dreams aren’t destroyed by my lack of success in these subjects. Thank you for your input! Definitely have to get those scores up.</p>
<p>You might not get into Cal tech but I think you’ll get into some really good schools. </p>
<p>Are you taking any of these math classes concurrently?
And yes, you should definitely get your SAT up to be considered for a tier 1 college (or whatever they’re called…), but being a minority will help much more than you think.
Your GPA is great, and I totally get you on the test anxiety</p>
<p>@sally47 Keep a positive outlook on your situation. Fine you might not make Harvard, but that should mean that you can’t get into a good engineering school. Try studying hard to raise SAT and AP score. Those will help. The URMx2 will help quite a bit, according to the stats. Convey your passion in your essay, that may help be the tiebreaker.</p>
<p>@louie412 yes! I’m taking AP Calculus AB. AP Calculus BC next year (senior year).
Thank you… yeah, it’s awful. I help everyone with their math homework yet I blank out and start freaking out when it’s a test I should completely ace. It’s now better, but I feel it’s too late for reparations.
I just think I’m screwed, to put it bluntly.</p>
<p>@wcao9311 I doubt I should even attempt to apply for any ivy (or close to ivy). My dream schools (MIT, CalTech, Cornell) will never accept me with such terrible math grades, but perhaps I can do a masters or something at the school in the future.
I think I’ll stick to applying to state schools, although I’m also dubious on whether I’ll receive admission to even them.</p>
<p>OP might get into Harvard - I know three people that got into Ivies (including Harvard) with 1900-2000 scores. </p>
<p>@preamble1776 But have you heard of someone with such awful math grades getting into Harvard? I doubt it. /:</p>
<p>@sally47 - I have, actually - I know kids with lower GPAs than yours get into H&Y. Your math grades aren’t even terrible - if you can bring them up and show an upward trend, I’d say you’re on par for very competitive schools. Don’t give up hope! You’re obviously very goal driven and bright - don’t let a few bumps in the road get you down.
<p>@sally47 </p>
<p>No doubt, it’s happened before</p>
<p>My dd is latina and graduated with an engineering degree this past year, but the difference between you and her is that her strongest skills are in calculus and math. I don’t think your problem will be in getting in to a university, but your problem will be when you begin to take university coursework and that math anxiety impacts all of your courses. </p>
<p>@Kawaiiii rare, I assume.</p>
<p>@"aunt bea" My anxiety is gradually going away (my mock AP Calc exams were 5’s, and I was under quite a lot of pressure). You’re right. Definitely have to work on that though.</p>