At Selective Colleges, what percentage of black students would you say are AA?

<p>I know all white people don’t discriminate. The truth is white people still benefit from it and POCs still suffer from it rather they like it or not.</p>

<p>I don’t like to make generalizations. I’m just curious to know. I know not all people,in one race, are the same. I honestly dont care about test scores. I just care about equality in general and it makes me mad when people talk about colourblindness and gender neutrality or that black,brown, and women don’t have it that bad now. Because we still have a long way to go. </p>

<p>Of course this country has a long way to go. But every time one points to “lower” stats or Aff Action or focuses on how URMs just can’t tackle the challenges, they risk being dismissive, perpetuating stereotypes. The fact is, from my perspective, there is a growing pool of marvelously qualified minorities. On their own merits. I don’t think you are aware of how these kids got to where they are, in terms of competitiveness for very good colleges.</p>

<p>I know many white people from broken families, have family members hooked on drugs or doing time in prison. I know many that lack education, suffer job loss, get cancer, get abused and live in slums, trailer parks and ghettos.</p>

<p>Again, you don’t want to generalize but not all white people are benefitted from imperialism. Queen Elizabeth clearly benefits from it to this day. If you are right than the Greeks, Italians, Turks, Iranians, Iraqis, Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Aztecs, etc. would be benefitting from their empires to this day as well. To deny that is to undercut your own argument because your truth can not be tested and proven if no others continue to benefit. I forgot the Russians, Germans, Navajos and Zulus.</p>

<p>Stop generalizing and speak to what is truth.</p>

<p>@madaboutx I know white people suffer as well as blacks. And I’m not the type that would dismiss that. I think they should have an “advantage” in college apps too. I’m just saying this society would hire a poor white over a poor black just because they’re white. I saw a statistic that a white person with a criminal BG and a college education is more likely to get hired over black person with the same college education and no criminal BG. </p>

<p>I wish you didn’t put Iraq in this, because I’m pro-Palestine. I can go on and on as to why that is but I’m talking about America right now. </p>

<p>But anyway … I don’t wanna talk about imperialism. But when I was talking about it, it was mainly to explain why blacks are still relatively poor by imperialism, discrimination,etc. White people never face racial discrimination because you can’t tell a Greek from a Frank, but you can tell an Italian from an Native American. If a white person was discriminated against, it was because they were poor (classism). </p>

<p>@lookingforward NO NO NO. It’s not black people fault that they face stereotypes. It’s the media and white people themselves. It’s sad that black put these sterotypes against themselves ( I.E Africans vs. AAs, Tyler Perry) but this give white people NO right and isn’t “just as bad”. I applaud poor URMs (not the $$$ ones) who’s doing it big and they deserve all the accolades. I’m just saying that not all people can do that depending on circumstances. </p>

<p>I really don’t want to argue but why can’t we just face the facts and look at the statistics and try to change it by things like Affirmative Action and Social programs so it won’t get worse later? </p>

<p>I want to know the breakdowns for a couple of reasons. #1 so I can know what to expect #2 I want to know the gender gap among all races and within so i can come up with conclusions. For example, if there’s more African men in college vs. AA men, does it mean AA men are more discriminated against?Yes these are generalizations, but it less of a generalization than the media portrays (I’m not putting all blacks together). And I think looking at this data would help solve inequality.</p>

<p>I hate not answering your questions directly. I think the data sets that people linked to in here are the most complete and accurate data. Anecdotal data and complete guesses won’t help you make any worthwhile conclusions.</p>

<p>I’ll end the imperialism discussion. I know that was a diversion from the original intent of your post.</p>

<p>I will say this though. Affirmative action and social programs are not a cure for social inequities and injustices. I propose that they perpetuate them. Social programs quickly become institutionalized, they take on a life of their own and will resist any effort to end them therefore, they never truly try to end the inequities they were created and funded to end. No, they perpetuate, expand and exacerbate the problems hey are fighting against.</p>

<p>Education in the form of reading, writing, history, philosophy and mathematics are the only way to end these injustices. A thorough, accurate and deep understanding of our world and how it works along with the ability to freely think and come to ones own conclusions is what is direly needed. As a thinker, you must be able to appreciate how few thinkers there are in the world.</p>

<p>People are republican or democrat because they were programmed that way, no thinking. If people were thinking there would be robust 3rd, 4th & 5th parties competing in the arena of ideas. It would be impossible for 300 million people to only think one way or the other unless they were brainwashed into it. </p>

<p>The same goes for so, so many more things. No one thinks anymore and it’s probably because so few people do it on a regular basis that we are losing the ability as a society. Education is an indoctrination into this or that way of seeing the world. It’s a bunch of orders handed down by our masters who give us A pluses when we listen well and red Fs when we don’t. Education is under the control of forces beyond our parents, our churches or our local communities. The behemoth has taken control and is actively reproducing drones to do its bidding.</p>

<p>That is your imperialism. It’s an imperialism of thought. 90% of AAs don’t vote democrat because they all reasoned intellectually that the ideology they represent is the best thing for AAs. 90% vote that way because 90% vote that way. It’s a self-perpetuating cycle that doesn’t care what the needs of the individuals in the group are. Who are the imperialist masters that benefit from this way of thinking? Name them. They are the imperialist masters. Who’s up for overthrowing them? Sigh…that takes too much thinking.</p>

<p>Aww man, I don’t wanna get into why 90% of blacks are democrats. But I can say that I am a Democrat. At first it was because my mom told me I was. But then I actually got into politics. I learned a lot about political campaigns and congress. It was really interesting for me to learn. And I realized that more I learned about the issues, like abortion, immigration, gay rights, etc, the more liberal I got. For example at a young age, I never understood religion so when the Christian right say the gay lifestyle is immoral. It never got me onto their side.I’m way more liberal than my parents though. I sorta wish I didn’t get into politics because I’m way more sensitive to abortion and equality than I was before. But I’m sorta glad i did because I’m not ignorant. I don’t wanna talk about welfare, but like you said education is the greatest equalizer and that’s why I think it’s important to have Affirmative Action. </p>

<p>OP, you misread my comment. </p>

<p>@lookingforward My bad, I read it the wrong way. But I am aware of those who made it through hardships.</p>