Athletic scholarship

<p>How and where can i apply for athletic scholarship,and what do i need for that?Should i get a recommendation from my coach and print out my scores or should i make some kind of a movie(i dont know just take guesses)to show them how i play and then send it?</p>

<p>call and meet with the coaches of schools you want to go to.
let them know you’re interested in playing for them.
make a video of highlights or send them your best times.
keep in contact.
check out [</a> Free College Recruiting Service and NCAA Athletic Scholarships Network](<a href=“”></p>

<p>Hm what if i want to apply to 10 colleges-do i have to call and talk to everybody or it will be the best for me to choose 3 top colleges that I really want to go to and just talk to them?</p>

<p>I’m a recruited athlete for wrestling, and this is what I did. I made several highlight tapes of athletic contests and put them on youtube. It is much cheaper than burning DVDs and mailing them to the coaches. Just send the link to the coaches and they can see it. Also tell you coach (depending what season your sport is played in) some time Junior year that you want to participate in collegiate athletics. This way he can spread your name around to the coaches he knows and such. But the most important thing is to be actually be talented.</p>

<p>is it possible to get noticed somehow without making a movie about yourself.I play tennis and im a junior right now.Tennis season starts march 1st and college application are due december 1st(2009) so you think ill have enough time?Are there any other ways around to become a recruited college athlete?Maybe ask my coach for help or anything?If you know something that doesnt envolve making a movie please tell me.</p>

<p>PS-how can i make a movie about myself anyway.I mean its somebody will have to record my whole match that i played right?</p>

<p>PPS-how about newspaper articles?I have a bunch about me plus i have online scores of my sophmore and freshman year plus i have a couple of rewards-will that cover it?</p>