attended 2 schools, graduating from 1, transfer to get bachelors. HELP?

<p>So I started at a good state college, and I didn't do so hot but I had some credits. Then I decided to take a semester off or so. But I decided not to go back to the school and entered as a transfer student at a community college. Now my community college has my old school's transcripts in their file. I will be graduating by the end of summer with an associates in business management. At the moment I am applying to transfer to a school to finish two more years to receive my bachelors. The admission application asks for my official transcripts. Will the official transcripts at the school I am currently attending will only cover theirs and not my old one? So that means I have to go to my old school and ask them too? Or will the community college that I am attending will cover both my old school and the school I am graduating from in their file under as the official transcript as a whole?</p>

<p>you should go ask your advisor at your community college</p>

<p>Schools will probably want to see official transcripts sent from all institutions attended. Of course, there could be exceptions.</p>