Attention previous ap CHEM!

<p>For those of you who took the test last year and received a score of 5,</p>

<p>which equations were in the MUST-NEED-TO-MEMORIZE category?</p>

<p>I'm reviewing my book and its bombarding me with hundreds of equations that I will not </p>

<p>remember on test day so I want to dedicate myself to only the important ones. please help </p>


<p>They give you an equation sheet? Frankly all you need to “memorize” are the concepts.</p>

<p>u need to learn chem by heart
–SAT Chem 800-ist
I didnt see my result for AP chem this year, im taking it the day after tmrw.</p>

<p>You gotta compare the sheet your teacher gives you with the equations in your book. Just write the ones that aren’t in the reference table.</p>

<p>isn’t the reference table only given for the free response?
aren’t there some equations you have to know for multiple choice?</p>

<p>for the MC, are you expected to know some equations that you don’t have reference to </p>

<p>and do they give you the values of some constants? I remember in class, the tests we had for MC included the value for the gas constant. Like after the question, it would say something like (Gas constant = 8.314)</p>