Audition Information for 2008-09

<p>Here are the MT audition dates for IWU for 2008-09:</p>

<p>January 17 and 31
February 21 and 28</p>

<p>Required for auditions: 2 constrasting monologues (1 minute each), 1 ballad and 1 up-tempo (32 bar cuts of each) - The Theatre Recruiting Office provides a list of “overdone” songs to avoid. The dance audition is taught as a class with warm-ups, jazz and ballet combinations.</p>

<p>Just a little tip for anyone out there considering auditioning for IWU. They have rolling admissions meaning that if they like your audition they will accept you into the program within a couple of weeks after your audition. Some schools (i.e. Webster) conduct their auditions over a lengthy period and make all the decisions around April 1st. My advice would be to audition early for IWU.</p>

<p>It's that time of year again. If anyone has any questions, feel free to start asking away. I, and many others, will get back to you as soon as possible. Have fun everyone, and break some legs!!!</p>


<p>Hi everyone,</p>

<p>I'm a high school senior and have finished college applications, and I begin MT and Vocal performance auditions beginning in January. Musical Theatre at IWU is my first choice, therefore I am trying to make that audition my priority. I just read an above post that said it is best to audition early, but unfortunately by the time I confirmed my audition at IWU, I already had auditions booked for every available day except the last day, February 28th. Will this disadvantage me greatly? I love everything about IWU and wouldn't want to chance anything about the admissions process, but there really isn't any way to change my audition date. Any advice?</p>

<p>You are at no disadvantage auditioning on the last day. MTDad777's advice to audition early was not meant that you have a greater chance at acceptance the earlier you audition. He was just trying to make the point that with rolling admissions you would not have to wait until April 1st for a decision.</p>

<p>MusicisLove91 - IWU is a great pick, what other schools are you looking at? If you have any questions about the program or life at the school send me a PM and I can ask my "D". If your parents have any questions post them here as there are many IWU parents that read these boards and are very helpful.</p>

<p>I know this is the MT thread, but can anyone provide info about the acting program? How many audition? How many accepted? I assume those auditioning for MT are also considered for acting? Does IWU have a wait list?</p>

<p>I do not know specifics when it comes to numbers for the BFA Acting program. Let me see if i can find out for you.</p>

<p>I have not found out yet but let me give you the info i know. There were around 280 total who auditioned in and out of state, and they are looking for "around 6" per major, (6 MT and 6 BFA Acting) which most likely means a few more will be accepted expecting a couple to possilby not attend next fall. As far as the BA in Theatre program, i do not quite know the numbers. Sorry it took so long for me to respond "Im Hopeful". Good luck with your search and auditions :-)</p>

<p>Thanks bearfann! Has anyone heard anything yet from IWU?</p>

<p>I know someone who applied and has not yet heard from IWU.</p>

<p>D just got her acceptance to the BFA acting program today with a nice scholarship!!!</p>

<p>Just got the fat envelope today; my D was accepted in the MT BFA. Also with a nice scholarship offer.</p>

<p>Congrats beaniemama! How does IWU stack up on your D's list of options?</p>

<p>Congrats to both of you and your D's! If you have any questions as you make your decision feel free to ask! (I have a junior S MT BFA at IWU)</p>


<p>We're still in the process of trying to sort out my D's options. She has 2 other acceptances (one that's not really what she's looking for and one from one of the "high profile" schools) and we're still waiting to hear from her original #1 choice. I'm fairly familiar with IWU's MT program and think it is very good and would provide a very personal, individualized experience; the head of the program seems quite good and he's definitely beefed up their program. Lots to sort out in the near future. </p>

<p>What are your thoughts? Feel free to PM me.</p>

<p>D is pretty excited about IWU -- really liked the school when she visited, but it was in the summer so there weren't many students around and couldn't visit classes, etc. We will probably try to go and visit again in April so she can see it up close. She is also waiting on a few other schools but she already got a "no thanks" from her #1 choice -- Minnesota/Guthrie. She was also accepted at USC BA and Point Park acting, so we also have some sorting out to do since all the programs seem to offer a little something different.</p>

<p>I have a daughter that is a freshman MT student. Overall, she loves the school and is growing nicely in the program. As a parent I am 100 percent certain that this school was the best choice for her. It is safe (the theater kids stick together and look out for each other), organized and your child will graduate in 4 yrs. They also have a very high job placement rate after graduation. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or if your child would like to speak with mine or others in the program we'd be happy to help.</p>

<p>MTDad777 - Thanks much. I sent you a pm.</p>

<p>Just an update -- My D did send in her commitment to IWU and is very excited. She has joined the general IWU Class of 2013 Facebook group, but hasn't come across any other incoming Acting or MT students. Let me know if there are any of you out there!!!!</p>