Automatic UA Admission?

<p>Is it true that if you get a 3.0 uw HS GPA…you’re in? I applied about a week ago and have a 3.098 with a 1070 SAT. Tons of extracurrics/work experience/volunteer and I included 2 recs in the envelope with the transcripts. BTW, i’m an OOS from Rhode Island.</p>

<p>If you have taken the right courses, you will get into the school.</p>

<p>I think I have for the most part dstark. Although it's not alot, in my HS career I've had 3 AP classes, and junior year was mostly honors classes. Hopefully I don't have much to worry about...</p>

<p>You don't need any AP or honors classes to get into Uof A.
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
You need 4 years of English and 4 of math. 3 years of lab science. 2 years of social science. 2 years of foreign language. 1 year of fine arts.</p>

<p>Yeah, but don't they still care about your grades? a 3.098 (what I have) is nothing special, so I'm not sure whether or not I'm a lock to get in.</p>

<p>You will get in. A 3.0 is not that bad in the real world. Send in your app now and you will hear soon.</p>

<p>Yea, I sent in my app in late September, but they didn't get my SAT Scores/transcript till 2 days ago. The lady on the phone at UA told me it takes 3-4 weeks to PROCESS the info, and then a decision is made 2-4 weeks AFTER that. Is that true? B.c people on this site were getting decisions in like 2 weeks.</p>

<p>I got my decision after four weeks-even though i'm an AZ resident in top 25% of my class(auto admit). Don't worry too much your letter will come, and when it does it doesn't save the suspense, it says "you're in!" on the envelope!</p>

<p>Does it count if you took 1 year of high school math during middle school? I've only taken 3 years at high school.</p>

<p>if it is a credit on your transcript you are fine</p>

<p>I ended up getting 2 weeks ago from today. I found out since when I checked my online status it said "a decision has been mailed." So I called, and found out. I was (and still am) pumped since UA is one of my top choices.</p>

<p>Is the online admission status only for undergraduate applicants?</p>

<p>I think the automatic admissions is only for Arizona residents.</p>