UA Honors Acceptees

<p>What do you need to get into Arizona’s Honors program? I heard it’s competitive but what sort of stats do you need?</p>

<p>My daughter is in the honors college and is a senior this year. There is not score/gpa minimums. </p>

<p>From the honors website:</p>

<p>For the class entering in the Fall 0f 2005, the average SAT score was 1300; the average ACT was 29; the average unweighted academic GPA was 3.88.</p>

<p>My daughter -- a National Merit Finalist-- decided to go to U of A in part because the Honors college literature promised intellectually engaging classes. However, she is starting her first semester with a generic schedule -- no Honors classes were open or offered to her. The literature also mentioned priority registration for all semesters, but it turns out they didn't mean first semester, so she's having trouble getting into even the regular classes she would like. </p>

<p>I feel like we've been the victims of a bait and switch. I'd be very interested in hearing from people with more experience with U of A and the Honors College. At some point will she see some benefit from being in the Honors College? Should we double check everything the University tells us ?</p>

<p>I read both of your post and question why did your D go to U of A? Was there a program she really wanted to study or was it that all of her friends going there?</p>

<p>This a big state Uni, nothing is perfect. You get what you pay for and if you want the perfect schedule you pay 30K a year for that. Yes my D took one honors class her first semster. It was not anything she "wanted" to take, but that is life with gen eds. Some of the classes that she didn't want to take were her favorites. That is what college is all about, learning things outside your comfort zone. She has got every class she has wanted, once you become a Jr/Sr in your major classes are controlled by the major. She will learn the ropes.</p>

<p>My D is going to graduate with honors that is a benefit.</p>

<p>Thank you for you quick reply. I didn't mean to come across as whiney. My daughter doesn't particularly feel she has more right than anyone else to be able to get into classes. I just am irked that the Honors College used that as a selling point. </p>

<p>My main question is more substantive -- did your daughter find that the Honors College courses were smaller, more interesting, more intellectually engaging than regular classes and so are worth getting into ? Is there any benefit to being in the honors college other than the honors degree it confers? My daughter at this point is mostly very excited about learning everything. She chose U of A over a smaller school because it meant she could do it without any financial help from us, and it seemed that the Honors College would provide a smaller college within a college experience.</p>

<p>My D applied in Sept. 2 weeks later she got her honors packet. A week later her housing application arrived. Even after early housing she didn't get her first choice Dorm. If you had applied earlier she could gone to the honors orientation, with most of the other honors students. This is the first orientation held every year, so they do register before other students. Every year she signs up for classes in Oct. for Spring and February for Fall just after the seniors. For her major this is has helped her stay on time for graduation. She is too busy to attend the luncheons or some other things the Honors college. </p>

<p>I can tell you that she has loved college and her honors classes haven't made her speak better or worse of the honors college. She enjoys getting to know the professors in the honors classes, but the professors in her major are the ones she been to the house for a sing along with Sandra Day O'Connor. </p>

<p>I can tell you she loves college so much she isn't going to graduate when she can in Dec., but in May with all of her friends. It will cost her few bucks more, the cost of books. But she will graduate free of debt.</p>

<p>Any more experiences and opinions regarding U of A'z honors college?
Do you think it does give you more individual attention?</p>

<p>I can't honestly say we have nothing to compare it to...went to a SA.</p>

<p>My D seems well informed, but I can tell if she get more attention. I do know that friends ask her advice of what to take.</p>