Average gpa, sat, and outside curricular

Gpa :3.77
Sat: 1490
I’m a junior and I’m probably going to retake the sat since that was my first time… I’m really worried about college… do u guys think Im competitive for UCB, UCLA … I’m in a few clubs (deca, Fbla, gsa)

You have a great SAT score but I would try to raise your GPA as much as possible! Its a really good gpa but the UCs are so competitive nowadays. Good luck :slight_smile:

Calculate at end of Junior to gauge your chances.

UCLA considers capped weighted and fully weighted UC GPA.

Don’t want to be a bummer but, unless you have a big hook, LA and B are probably not going to take you. Did you apply elsewhere?

It really depends on how much AP weighting you currently have in your 3.77 GPA and if you are taking several AP’s this year to maximize your UC GPA (weight 8 semesters). If you are, and you are running with A’s, you can absolutely move your GPA above 4.0 and at least have a chance.

hahah i have not started applying yet…ill prob apply to ucr too

ty! i will def try to raise it up! i am taking a few aps in school and selfstudying 3…so hopefully it can raise my gpa