Average GPA?

<p>What is the average GPA of a UW student? I'm principally interested in L&S, but university-wide would be OK too.</p>

<p>I've been all over the darn UW website looking for this info but can't find it. It must be staring me in the face.</p>

<p>I'm asking because it has long been my impression that the school has less grade inflation than most, but someone asked me for evidence to back that up and I had nothing.</p>

<p>You can’t really pick any meaningful school wide gpa. Too many variables- so many more than a HS. Students with poor gpa’s are likely to drop out or transfer (or at least change the major)- this would skew grades higher for upperclassmen. You can look at grades for various courses- the number/percentage of A’s, for example. You would have to look at hundreds of courses to back up your statement, or at least pick the top 100 freshmen may take to show that getting an A isn’t as easy. A difficult task but you could compare course grades with another school to show A’s are not being easily handed out.</p>

<p>Obtaining good grades is more difficult at UW than other UW System schools. I know this from experience as well as from others who have transferred. So in this sense, there is less grade inflation as As aren’t handed out like candy.</p>

<p>This shows final grades (not including those who drop out) for all UW Madison courses since 2004–it also clumps together aggregate distributions by major each semester:</p>

<p>[Office</a> of the Registrar - University of Wisconsin-Madison - Course Grade Distributions](<a href=“http://registrar.wisc.edu/course_grade_distributions.htm]Office”>http://registrar.wisc.edu/course_grade_distributions.htm)</p>