Awards/Honors in UC application

For the awards sections could you include expected awards that you will obtain if you continue certain activities throughout 12th grade (for example, Spanish Honor Society awards, NHS awards, Math honor society-I was a officer when it was founded and this and other awards are certain, but not officially received-, CSF qualifiers)? Many of my awards are the product of long term work and will be received at the end of my 4 years of high school. If I do list them should I put in the description that it will be officially received at graduation date? Please advise, thank you.

I would not list any anticipated awards unless you them receive prior to the application deadline. Unless they are National awards, it they will not make a huge difference on your application. Showing leadership and consistency/dedication to your EC’s is more important.

Would it be looked down upon if I did (while mentioning it will be obtained later)?

Don’t include any award you haven’t been given even if it’s extremely likely you’ll get it

I agree - only list things that have been awarded at the time you submit your ap. This is a really small part of the weighting for UCs so, it shouldn’t sway your ap one way or the other.