<p>Just because there are too many negative threads. I'll start with the most obvious:</p>
<li>It's in New York City!</li>
<li>And in Ivy League :D </li>
<li>Its Core Curriculum is amazing</li>
<li>The UN holds meetings there!</li>
<p>(input from current students would be great :) )</p>
<p>I’m not a current student, but I’m just dying to be one next year!</p>
<li>The campus is amazing, especially for being in NYC. You get an actual college campus just in case NYC gets a little too overwhelming, and it’s easier to bond with your fellow Columbians.</li>
<li>There are a lot of graduate schools right there with you, so research oppurtunities are endless, you can take classes at the graduate schools, and there are even more brilliant professors around.</li>
<li>Has anyone around here heard of Professor Bryan Greene, author of The Elegant Universe? It’s a fantastic book for anyone interested in physics. Dr. Greene teaches some undergrad classes at Columbia.</li>
<li>Internship oppurtunities are beyond amazing when you’re in the most prestigious college of a city with one of the biggest numbers of job oppurtunities in America. You name the area, I bet there’s an opening for you through the career office.</li>