Awesome UC INFO

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Check out the FAQ.</p>

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<p><latest edition</p>

<p>Checkout the matrix.</p>

<p>hey where exactly is the FAQ?</p>

<p>Under "Reference Materials": Transfer Q&A</p>

<p>Also, check out the powerpoint presentations. There is a lot of info. For instance, the UCSD presentation lists the deadline for the Academic Update as February 15.</p>

<p>Very good stuff gabe. proofs again that this board is better than 99% of the counselors at ccc.</p>

<p>The reason i say 99% is there is one that made an effort when i came to c him to actually call ucla for me. :)</p>

<p>Couple of things that jump at me</p>

<li><p>This year 500 or so fewer people applied to ucla. Proly not gona have much of an impact, but it's good as long as more didn;t apply. I guess number of people apply to each major is proly significant as well.</p></li>
<li><p>Can;t switch into L&S department and Econ.</p></li>

<p>Where did you find #1?</p>

<p>in the pdf for ucla.</p>

<p>Fall 2004 Applicants 13,676
Admits 4,954
SIR 3,100</p>

<p>Fall 2005 Applicants 13,106
Target Admits 5,000
*Target Enrollment
*pending any changes per planning office 3,150</p>

<p>Actually my fault. It's for 2005. We applied for 2006.</p>

<p>GUess this stuff is not so updated after all.</p>

<p>I have a quick question. On the website that gab provided above .. there is one question about transfer that really bugging me. </p>

<p>Question: May student completed the required coursework the summer before the fall enrollment?</p>

<p>UCLA: All required coursework is to be completed by the end of spring before admission.</p>

<p>Does it mean that I can't take any courses on the summer to complete the lower division for my major? Why don't they look at the difficulty of getting into a popular class? since I want to finish it all before the transfer . First, it's cheaper. Second, the class size is smaller and third .. it's easier ... and I only need one more class to complete my lower division .. hrmm ..</p>

<p>little blue - yes, from what i understand, you cant take things in the summer and must finish in the spring..</p>

<p>now to my question:</p>

<p>Students applying to the Life Sciences and Psychology can only have two courses in progress for the preparation for the major in the spring prior to fall admission.</p>

<p>So...what about people who are on the quarter system? Does that mean Spring quarter we can only have two major prep classes or does it mean any quarter after Fall?</p>

<p>You can take things in the summer. However, if you have required coursework that needs to be completed, it has to be completed by the spring. Since most UCs schools, for most majors, don't require that you complete all prerequisites, you can still work on classe during the summer.</p>

<p>" Students applying to the Life Sciences and Psychology can only have two courses in progress for the preparation for the major in the spring prior to fall admission." </p>

<p>Wow, I never knew that. I'm taking 3 classes this spring that are related to preparartion coursework...sigh...I guess I'm pretty screwed.</p>

<p>What campus is the life sciences, psychology thing from? UCLA?</p>

<p>And RC251 is right on.</p>

<p>I would assume P1nkie, that for the quarter system it would also be the spring. You might want to call a transfer advisor.</p>

<p>I dunno, the lifesciences/psychology thing i quoted from p1inke. I'm taking Bio 1b, physics 10 and government 1 this spring which are all coursework for psychology. :-(</p>

<p>Willdo- He's talking about a specific campus--I think UCLA.</p>

<p>Yes, SHE is talking about</p>

<p>hmmmm so does this mean I won't be able to get into UCLA now?</p>