AWPE Requirement for UC- Confused!

I am trying to figure out if I need to take this test.

According to this I can fulfill the requirment:
30 or better on the ACT Combined English/Writing test
But I am confused. I scored as follows on one ACT
English-28 Writing Subject -18 English Language Arts-24
and the other ACT

English Language Arts 24 English-23 and Writing Subject 9

So did I fulfill the requirement or am I going to have to take the AWPE test? Maybe I am over thinking this. Help please!:smiley:

There are other ways to fulfill this requirement, but if you are using an ACT taken after June 2015, the score to look at is the English Language Arts (ELA), which has to be 30 or better. Your ELA score was 24, so you will have to meet the requirement some other way.


Here’s another question. Does the ERWC course fulfill the UC requirement. Their website says:
Complete with a grade of C or better an acceptable college course in English composition
 worth 4 quarter or 3 semester units

I know it is CSU approved but what about UC approved? I hate taking tests if I don’t have to. Plus it costs $110 :confused: