BA.Arch & Arch Engineering 6 year program. Is it worth it?!

<p>Im going to be attending University of Texas at Austin in the fall and right now I am in the 6 year dual degree program where I get a degree in architecture ( five year ) and a degree in architectural engineering. Is it worth it? Would I benefit more by focusing only on the arch degree or is it good to have the engineering one on my resume as well? Im not particularly passionate about engineering but Im pretty solid in math and science. </p>

<p>Im about to register for classes and I would just like some input. I would be very easy for me to drop the engineering part of my major.</p>

<p>I don't really know the answer to your question, but let me ask you this: will it make any difference in your course selection for this semester? If not, I absolutely wouldn't rush to change it before you even start. Dropping it will probably always be easier than adding it back in.</p>

<p>The only difference in the first semester is a one hour class - intro to arch engineering.</p>

<p>Heck, I would take it. Maybe it will shed some light onto the various career options in the general architectural field. One hour per week is more like a seminar than a class.</p>