Hi, I’m new to this website but was wondering if I could get any advice. My counselor doesn’t like me because my mom has tried to change counselors and I am worried that she will give me a poor letter of recommendation when I apply for colleges. The thing is, while I was getting treated for a medical problem last semester, my counselor did not reply to any of the emails or voice mails I sent to her regarding my classes and grades while I was out from school. My mom was upset because of this and tried to talk to the principal to change my counselor after this incident, but she wasn’t successful and the counselor now knows. I’ve always been polite to her, but she is often unfriendly and inaccessible when I try to get help.
Will she hurt my chances of getting into college by writing a poor recommendation letter? Is there any way I could get someone other than my counselor to write it? Or should I just not worry about it?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post 
Well, I had a pretty bad relationship with my daughter’s school counselor - but in the end she was a professional in dealing with doing the basics of her job. I am sure at a bare minimum your’s will be too. I would just keep a close eye on deadlines. Unfortunately, the recommendation letter has to come from the counselor and there is no review process.
There seems to be a sense of antagonism between the counselor and your mother that is affecting your own relationship with the counselor. I would take extra care and effort in showing respect to the counselor at all times (as you have been doing so far). Also, IMHO, I think it would be best for you to talk this through with your mother. At the end of the day, the source of this problem seems to be the mistrust between the counselor and your mother. The solution, therefore, should also lie within her and her future course of action. As general as my answer is, I hope this helps.
But it sounds like the mom has a legitimate reason for being upset with the counselor if the counselor was not doing her job and replying to her child’s emails about class concerns while dealing with a medical issue. I would perhaps be less concerned about the counselor’s reaction to mom raising her concerns with the principal and more concerned that the counselor would continue to fall short in executing the responsibilities of her position when it comes to the college admissions process. So as another poster noted I think it is important for OP to stay on top of tasks for the GC and make sure they are getting completed by the needed deadlines. If not, OP and mom should discuss how to deal with it.
How many emails and voicemails are we talking about? And is it possible that the issues were being handled through, say, the Assistant Principal or some other administrator?