Bad move on my UC application

Today, when I signed into my portal to check my status, I realized that I marked my AP chemistry GPA as A when I actually got B+. I know that UC doesn’t do plus and minus and stuff but never the less, I feel really stupid and guilty now. I’m assuming that I put in my AP GPA into account when I was working on my application. Because B+ in AP is pretty much an A in regular. Please help.

You should contact the schools immediately. They’ll be able to tell you whether this will affect your admission. @Gumbymom may have some insight too for UC schools.

Thanks, I’ll try that

Do as @yonceonhismouth stated and contact UC admissions at each school regarding the incorrect grade. Make sure they put a note in your file and keep all documentation including names of the person/person’s you spoke to in admissions.

Best of luck.