<p>How do you guys think colleges will view a person (english primary language) with 1500 SATI scores and not so great SATII scores (550-650 range)?</p>
<p>depends on the college. Some don't even require SATII scores, and others look at them more important than SATI. For example, the UC's count SATII's twice as highly as SATI's -- up to the Class of '05, after which, they will count them 'equally' when the new SAT comes out in March. </p>
<p>Sugges you look up a few websites of the colleges you are considering.</p>
<p>I'm interested in Tufts and Wellesley, but I can't really find any information at the website on how much they weight SATI vs. SATII scores.</p>
<p>I know how that bad SAT II score feels. I did absolutely terribly on the October Lit and I felt like smashing things against the wall. I had worked so hard up until that point, and I felt like I ruined my chances at every single school because of one test. After a while, i began to put things into proportion. People aren't perfect, and colleges understand that. I attempted the test again this morning, and hopefully I did better. If a college doesn't accept me because of one lousy score, then they have the problem.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>ahhhhhhhhhh! Bio SAT II was a disaster - but it wasn't my fault! i accidentally filled in the wrong code, so unless they ignore that, my answers for the Eco section will all be marked wrong! AND (as if that wasn't enough!) i accidentally ignored eight questions until i had less that five minutes to go! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! </p>
<p>on the other hand, Writing and Literature went very well. i expect high-700s to 800 in both of them. i also got good SAT I (1520, 800v) . if i re-take Bio in january, d'you they (ie. Yale, my dream school) won't think i'm a complete putz?</p>
<p>I took Writing, Math 2c, and Spanish SATIIs this morning. I bombed all of them. This morning I woke up and gathered everything I needed for the test this morning including my ticket and wallet with my ID and put it on the kitchen table. My mom needed to borrow some money for something so she took it from my wallet, but she also took out my license to make sure I had it with me and never put it back in my wallet. When it was time to go I grabbed my ticket, wallet, etc. and left. When it was time to show my ID at the test center I realized I didn't have my license so I asked to call someone to bring it for me. They let me use my cell in the hall to call home and I fortunately got my license in time. It was so embarrassing though! But anyways I couldn't concentrate at all and the proctor's cell phone went off a bunch of times. It was terrible! And I don't think I did well on the tests. So yeah, I'm not having a good day.</p>
<p>Anyway, does anyone know about the Tufts or Wellesley thing?</p>
<p>Haha the same thing happened to me in October, well sort of. My dad wanted to make sure I had my registration, and I left it on the kitchen table. He dropped me off that day, and I called him frantically after waiting in line forever. Luckily they were OK with me just giving them the registration number, but I did poorly on those tests, probably because I was shaken up (or at least I like to think that!). Hopefully you did well on yours! What is the question about Tufts/Wellesley, I'm applying to Tufts so maybe I know the answer to that question...</p>
<p>Well, I'm expecting not so great SATII scores from today (550-650). I have good SATI scores though. I was wondering how Tufts and Wellesley might view this.</p>
<p>Any college you send your scores to, will see them. However, I think if you do considerably better on a retake, they will take the fact that you may have had a bad day into consideration. Good luck!</p>
<p>BUMP, how do competitive colleges live Tufts or Wellesley look at mediocre sat IIs?</p>