Bag to Bring into the Auditions

<p>Can anyone share what things they brought with them into the auditions that normally one might overlook?
I'm bringing my sheet music, dance clothes, boombox, audition cds, ipod, water, snacks, headshots, resumes, monologues.
anything else?</p>

<p>Flip flops, medicine for allergies, or headaches, extra tights, your music IN a binder, ricola, baby wipes for after the dance call.</p>

<p>why would you bring a boombox?</p>

<p>A boombox is needed for a few schools at Unifieds that do not provide accompaniment and ask that you provide the device to play your taped accompaniment.</p>

<p>Clay, you might consider having a second extra outfit for the audition in case anything happens to the one you are wearing (spills, tears, weather mishaps, etc).</p>

<p>Chapstick, extra resume and headshot and at both my D’s first two auditions she needed her SAT scores, GPA and class rank.</p>

<p>Instead of a big clunky boombox, if you have an external speaker of some sort for your iPod, you could have your accompaniments on that, instead of tape or CD. Much easier to transport, and most likely a better sound.</p>

<p>extra batteries for boombox</p>

<p>why would I need flip flops?</p>

<p>my guess on the flip flops - it would be a girl thing, to be able to kick off the high heels for a while :)</p>

<p>As long as they don’t try flip flops in NYC or Chicago at this time of year. :D</p>

<p>Many, including my own D, wear their snow boots to campus auditions and change into their audition shoes for the actual audition and so those shoes are in the audition bag.</p>

<p>so no flip flops??! I suppose I’ll always be a florida girl at heart!</p>

<p>I always brought a book to read. Most people seemed to prefer talking to those around them, but I’m shy and hate talking to strangers. So, a book for me. Calmed my nerves, too.</p>

<p>Febreze and Static Guard. You never know.</p>

<p>kleenex, nothing worse than having a big spewy sneeze and nothing to mop it up with. Make sure all throat drops have no menthol in them, I’ve heard gummies are great for moistening throats because of the pectin in them.</p>