Bama Bound 2015 Registration is Open

Just registered DD for Bama Bound the first Honors session on May 26-27. I will be attending with her and staying in a dorm room. Looking forward to meeting some other moms. This is starting to seem so real.

Roll Tide!!

We registered this morning for the same session! It really does feel so awfully real! I am not looking forward to my daughter going away, but I am also very excited for her!

@mmom99 I feel the same way! It’s going to be a big adjustment for me when she leaves, but when we visited the campus, it just felt like the right place for her. Do I remember correctly that your daughter is also interested in math? My DD has declared math as her major, but she also wants to take some finance and econ classes to see how much interest she may have in those. She just knows she wants to do something with math, but not engineering. She loved her AP Statistics class last year. It’s hard to know what you want to do with your life at their age.

Just registered! Pumped!!!

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My D has paid her enrollment fee, but is still 50-50 on where she will attend. Is it a good idea to enroll in a Bama Bound session so that it does not fill up (and cancel if needed) or can we risk waiting a month or two until she is sure? Thanks for any advice!

Is there a particular BB that she wants? Does she want an honors BB?

Yes, honors BB

@mmom99‌ @TNmomof1‌ I am a current freshman math major in the Honors College and CBH. If you have any questions about what certain classes are like or what professors are best, please don’t hesitate to ask. I would be happy to help. I took Calc II last semester with Martin Evans (who is an amazing teacher and mentor) and am now taking Honors Calc III (Kabe Moen), Linear Algebra (Martin Evans again), and Discrete Math.

my kids loved Martin Evans.

@kidsrexpensive‌ Well if she wants an honors BB, and if she wants a certain choice of dates, then she needs to decide soon. I think there are only about 4 honors BB’s…is that right? or 5?

I’m guessing that since you’re OOS you’ll want an over night one? Usually the one day ones are more for locals…

The only thing is that the fees for BB are not refundable. It doesn’t matter for us since Bama is D’s one and only. I would think twice if she were not sure. By the time I selected the dorm and paid for BB it was about $300.00

The BB fees aren’t refundable, but you can change to another BB date. Obviously that won’t help a situation where the child goes elsewhere.

If the child is going to Bama, but not sure of which BB to attend then pick one now. However, always contact Orientation first to make sure policies haven’t changed about “changing” to another BB w/o money penalty.

How difficult is it to rearrange schedules once AP scores come in?
For instance, let’s say BC calc scores don’t come back until July and a student has already done Bama Bound in May or June and registered for classes.
Is it difficult to reshuffle on degree works if a student can use AP credit to place into Calc 3?

And does the system automatically update when AP scores are reported?

“And does the system automatically update when AP scores are reported?” as long as your student puts Bama down as one of the two schools you would like the report to go to on the score sheet when they take the AP tests Bama will be sent the report without you having to do anything else and it might be the fastest way to get them there.

"For instance, let’s say BC calc scores don’t come back until July and a student has already done Bama Bound in May or June and registered for classes.
Is it difficult to reshuffle on degree works if a student can use AP credit to place into Calc 3?

If student is pretty confident about doing well on the AP Tests, at Bama Bound they we take that into consideration and may let your student register for the more advance class. If after that the Ap score comes in lower then needed a student can go back in and change the class selection to the lower level class. It may take your student a couple of times logging back into to the schedule builder to see if a lower level has seats opening to get the class they need. Every time a new Bama Bound session is going on new seats in different sections are opened and the students who attended earlier can log back in and move stuff around.

Thanks! That is helpful!

My advice is to register at BB for the higher class that you might qualify for. People are on hand, in person, to override the system to allow this (based on what you think AP scores will be). Then, if scores come in and you want to drop down a level, you can do so on your own throughout the summer (if you don’t have the prereq, the system will not drop this automatically until it is caught much later, like before start of classes). If, on the other hand, you register at BB for the lower level and based on scores you want to then go up a level, you would need to talk with someone at UA to do this over the summer. It is just easier to drop down than rise up, IMO. Good luck!

^#12 …and…Degree Works is just a tool for your own planning - it does not in any way link with registration of actual classes. It will (eventually) list AP credits and any other incoming credits, but this isn’t updated instantly (in my experience).

Ok - thanks!