Bama Bound

I was wondering If I would have to pay for my eight year old son or are they not even allowed to go? My daughter will be 9 months in June when we plan to go, so I am just assuming that I won’t have to pay for her. Also, my husband and I are trying to decide whether or not both of us should go or not. I am not if I want to pay the $80 a piece for both of us if the information is redundant.
Thanks!! </p>

<p>I wouldn’t take the 8 year old in. He’s also too young for the sibling orientation program. I’d split up and one take care of the kids and one go to the programs. You could trade off during the day if you like. </p>

<p>Its up to you and your husband whether both of you want to go. When I went with my son 2 years ago, there were quite a few couples who attended, but there were many moms or dads who came on their own. Since airfare is costly, I ended up going by myself with my son. I knew alot of the information as I have been active on the Alabama CC site, but it was nice to hear it in person and to get to see the campus. As my husband had taken my son for a visit a couple of months earlier, he had aleady seen the campus. Any information that I thought was important I just shared with him when we got home. I really didn’t see my son except for the pre-registration portion of Bama Bound on the 1st day when he was advised with all the other engineering students there about how to register and class options. It would have been nice to have my husband with me, but not necessary. I will be going with my soon to be freshman without my husband to a June bama bound.</p>

<p>I don’t know if your kids are allowed or not. I believe the activities for siblings might be for older ones - check the website to see. I would definitely not bring your 8 year old or 9 month old to the parent meetings.</p>

<p>I think we might trade off, so that both of us can have time experiencing the campus. Do you know if we would each have to pay just to swap or if one of us could pay and then just swap?</p>

<p>Just pay once. You’ll be fine. </p>

<p>Thank you so much! </p>