Bama bound

Hi! Going to bama bound next month, I am a transfer student so I am only an one day transfer student. Can my mom come with me or does she need to sign up for the parent orientation? Are they separated? Does she have to go? Please help

Yes, she will participate in the parent orientation program. They are separate. No, she does not have to go but if she is able to, it is very informative.

@shelleyr25 Can she go with me to my bama bound? or is it not allowed?

@haley886 Its the same program, same day. At the mid day of the orientation, the students and the parents split off. Then students work on schedules, hear about safety on campus, etc. Parents hear about more “parent things” like how to pay your bill, etc. You’ll develop your schedule and pick your classes that day. So if you want your mom to have any input into that process, do it before you get there, as she won’t be with you when you register. Have fun!

DS did the 2 day Bama bound. His dad and I did not attend the parent orientation. Didn’t see the point of the extra costs when so much is on line, especially the parent FB pages.

Many recommend it, but I have no regrets in not doing so.

We worked on DS’s schedule before he went, and he didn’t get one single class he had planned. He had to pick the one with the least seats available and fill in from there. Just know you might need to be very flexible.