Bama's scholarships & CoE scholarships unchanged for 2011-12 app season

<p>I just thought of one more thing: For OOS Engineering admission only how important do you think the breakdown of his ACT scores are? If he uses his current ACT 26 for admission, his math28 science32 are high, but his English19 & Reading23 are low, those are the areas he is working on for Sept ACT. I’m afraid they won’t accept him so maybe we should wait until we receive Sept ACT results or maybe July is truly better? What do you think? Sorry to be a pain, but thanks for your help.</p>

<p>Don’t worry. Bama will accept him. Besides…Bama doesn’t reject kids until all the testing times are past…just in case a student with a low score raises it during the fall testing times. </p>

<p>So…if you’re worried that Bama might reject a July app, they won’t. As a matter of fact, Bama is lenient with acceptances that are submitted early.</p>

<p>He is going to do the SAT, too…right??</p>

<p>Also…do you have someone working with him in English and Reading sections? Is your son a slow reader? Is he not finishing sections? If so, I may have some tips for that.</p>

<p>Thanks for this encouraging info. He’ll apply in July for sure. At this point I have just bought him an prep book, but at this point with this much money on the line I think we have to consider tutoring. He is a slow reader but I’m thinking it’s more than that, his usage/mechanics/rhetoric is low so he needs some power tutoring…lol… I just went and talked with him. He said it’s both of those reasons. Funny thing is that he just took AP Lang & Comp, B+'s all year with an A- on the final.</p>

<p>I have to admit I am finding myself day dreaming about this awesome opportunity for him(financially) and I feel obsessed with figuring out how he can improve and make this happenm, way more than him. He is such a dynamic, self directed, and well rounded student and because of the toll the economy has taken on our family finances this will help him out sooo much. I’m thinking I’m going to put some numbers on paper for the weekend so he can see how this will set him up for the 4 years of college.</p>

<p>What happens to the OOS kid with a 3.3 GPA (unweighted; the school doesn’t weight), with a 32 ACT (1390 SAT)? Kid attends a well recognized school, that sends 7-10 kids per year to Bama. Has taken 4 APs (all 4+), and 4 Honors classes. Is there a sliding scale for the scholarships, or is he SOL? Will fall just short of NMF/SF.</p>

<p>Bama will accept calculated weighting from the guidance counselor. My S’s prep school didn’t weight but gc calculated it, submitted a letter and he was able to get the Pres Schol. Good luck. If your guidance office is in over the summer I suggest going to see them now, they can work on it over the summer when they are not busy. Looks like your student would be well over 3.5 with weighting.</p>

<p>(fyi, S’s prep school decided to change their grading system to weighted 4.0 system for next year, the old system really put the students at a disadvantage)</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice. I am curious to the weighting used by the GC, did he/she use a +1 for APs and +.5 for Honors or what?</p>

<p>*I think we have to consider tutoring. He is a slow reader but I’m thinking it’s more than that, his usage/mechanics/rhetoric is low so he needs some power tutoring…lol… *</p>

<p>Ask your son to read a paragraph…then ask him if he’s “silently pronouncing” each word in his head. Slow readers tend to do that. They need to just view/scan the words without silently pronouncing them. Some kids are able to self-correct this problem by using a finger to quickly move under words forcing their eyes to “move on” and skipping the “pronouncing.”</p>

<p>*What happens to the OOS kid with a 3.3 GPA (unweighted; the school doesn’t weight), with a 32 ACT (1390 SAT)? *</p>

<p>Idinct is right. Start working on this NOW with the school. First speak to the GC. </p>

<p>Before you go, work up a weighted GPA using a typical weighting formula. I don’t know if Idinct still has the one I gave her last year. </p>

<p>Don’t give up if you’re first told “no.” If I remember correctly, Idinct got some resistance too at her child’s school. If you get any resistance with the GC, then go up the ladder explaining how this lack of weighting is costing you money. Explain that Bama will accept a hand written total weighted GPA on the transcript…the school doesn’t have to do anything with its computers or anything. </p>

<p>I think this is what I gave her…</p>

<p>1.0 is added to any AP grade below</p>

<p>.5 is added to any honors grade below (however, if this is a private school that considers all non-AP to be honors, then I would add .5 for all grades…or add 1.0 for all APs. My kids’ Catholic high school considers all non-AP to be honors and weights them that way.)</p>

<p>A+ = 4.0 (so, an honors would be 4.5…and an AP would be 5.0)
A = 3.75
A- = 3.5 (so, an honors would be 4.0…and an AP would be 4.5)
B+ = 3.25
B = 3.0
B- = 2.75
and so forth…</p>

<p>So…refigure what his GPA is.</p>

<p>Edited to add…oh, I just saw that you said that he took 4 honors, so this school specifies honors.</p>

<p>What state are you from.</p>

<p>Bama doesn’t have a “sliding scale” for these assured scholarships, but if this school won’t cooperate, then there is still a possibility that Bama would award him merit…I just don’t know how much.</p>

<p>Yes use m2cks chart, that should put your son well over. I went in with all of the information printed out, how Bama’s automatic scholarship works in detail. They weren’t willing to add weighting to the transcript, but they were willing to calculate the weighted gpa in a letter submitted/attached to the transcript. It was a “if we weighted grades, this is what the students weighted gpa would be” kind of thing. S’s school used the 0-95 scale, had to convert and then weight.</p>

<p>More and more students are going for scholarships where they are in competition with others and scholarships like this. I think this is why they finally decided to change it this year, the students were at a real disadvantage. It’s only fair.</p>

<p>My son’s school starts the new weighted GPA this fall also, must be a trend.</p>

<p>they were willing to calculate the weighted gpa in a letter submitted/attached to the transcript. It was a “if we weighted grades, this is what the students weighted gpa would be” kind of thing. S’s school used the 0-95 scale, had to convert and then weight.</p>

<p>That’s another good alternative suggestion…and Bama will accept that.</p>

<p>*If an international student is admitted to UA and meets all scholarship requirements, they are awarded the automatic scholarship they are eligible for. </p>

<p>We require a minimum 3.5 GPA, a test score of 27 ACT or higher or 1210 on the SAT or higher. </p>

<p>We do not superscore either test. We look at the highest composite score on the ACT and the Math and Critical Reading portions of the SAT. </p>

<p>The last ACT score we accept for scholarship consideration is the October 2011 test. </p>

<p>The last SAT score we accept for scholarship consideration is the November 2011 test. </p>

<p>A student must be admitted by the Dec. 1, 2011 deadline with a completed scholarship application. If the student meets all of the above criteria, they will be awarded the automatic scholarship that they qualify for.</p>

<p>International students are required to meet the same criteria as domestic students when it comes to our automatic awards.*</p>

<p>The above was sent to me by the scholarship office after I requested clarification.</p>

<p>I just got an email back from Betsy Escher in the Undergraduate Scholarship Department stating that the scholarship criteria for the 2012-13 school year will NOT change.</p>

<p>the scholarship criteria for the 2012-13 school year</p>

<p>I probably should have been more clear in my OP. When I wrote that the scholarships won’t change for the 2011-12 application season…I should have made it clear that the app season is for the 2012-13 SCHOOL year.</p>