Band of the Hour

<p>Does anyone have experience with the auditions for dancers for Band of the Hour, as far as what the dancers are expected to be able to do, and is any gymnastics experience needed?
Thanks for any insight!</p>

<p>The Sunsations are the dancers, and they perform on the sidelines during the game- not with the band.</p>

<p>Are you referring to the baton-twirlers that perform with the band?</p>

<p>I am currently a wind player in the band of the hour, not a dancer. What I do know is from what I can see while on the field. I dont believe they use gymnastics at all, but dont quote me on it. I believe there is a thread somewhere on facebook, under the University of Miami class of 2013 group, pertaining to the Band of the Hour. I think I remember something about dancers being posted in that. If you have questions about the specifics, you might want to either a) email the band and they will be able to tell you or b) find the facebook thread im talking about and post directly to it. We try to respond promptly to that.</p>

<p>Thanks for the information - I will follow up and see what I can find out.</p>