Can you guys give me information based on experience on these activities?

<p>Is anyone in the "Band of the Hour" AKA Marching Band? How about the scuba diving club? Do you have to be outstanding to join the swim team? Or for the people who aren't that great, can they do the swim club? Should I pledge to a fraternity? May I run for University of Miami officer positions in Student Government? <----How difficult is it to get elected and how many people run? Golf club? Scuba club? Where can I find an official list of all activities and clubs? Like I'd also be interested in Jazz Band, Youth in Government, Model UN, but I can't seem to find an official list.</p>

<p>[University</a> of Miami - Organizations](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>This might be what you’re looking for.</p>

<p>Band of the Hour is suited for non music majors. However, as the jazz program is the second best in the country, it is very difficult to be involved in it. You can still audition, but you’d be competing against all of the jazz majors from all grade levels.</p>

<p>@blerns3 I’m not looking into being a music major and I’m just a recreational trumpet jazz player. My range goes up to a high G, the second G above the octave so my range is superb but I’m not very talented in improvising, so I guess I should stick to Band of the Hour. and @Chinadoll772, thanks a lot!
Would it be possible for you guys to give me like advice based on what clubs you’re in and etc?</p>

<p>I think you need some current students to assist here - most of them have finals this week, so it may be a little slow here on CC. My D is a freshman, and I can tell you she loves being in SCUBA club. They are quite popular and have lots of people sign up for their road trips to dive ([UM</a> SCUBA](<a href=“]UM”> She has probably gone on a dozen dives this first year, including a 3 day trip for her cavern diving certification.

<p>taechris: If you can wait a year, my DS, who is an awesome jazz saxophonist can jam with you. He is hoping to be in UM Class of 2017. (Won’t be a music major either)</p>