
<p>Anyone know if there are banks affiliated with the school or that will be set up during freshman in-processing? We're trying to decide if we need to get a local bank account before school starts or just see what the school has available.</p>

<p>I don’t know if there are any affiliated with the school or not. However, my son opened an account at US Bank. There are several branches in the town we live in and it was easy for him to get to a branch in Portland. I don’t know how far away it is, but it was a bank he chose because of the convenience both at home and school.</p>

<p>I believe during the first day of orientation, local banks will have stands where students can set up an account. I’m guessing you’ll see US Bank, Key Bank and Wells Fargo Bank there (they are on the lender page), to name a few. My son has an Alaskan credit union bank account, with the closest branch at Seattle. We haven’t decided if he’ll need to open a new account yet. </p>

<p>We’ve had others away at college and while they were in dorms they didn’t need a local account since the only bills they paid were to the school. A credit card is handy for buying books and of course for emergencies (i.e., a quick plane ticket home). Off campus living was easier with a local bank branch.</p>

<p>Three years ago at freshman orientation Wells Fargo, WaMu (I know, they no longer exist), and US Bank had tables set up. We signed our daughter up with Wells Fargo since we already have our own account with them. They have a branch very close to campus, down on Barbur near Burger King. They gave out a tee shirt, key ring, and music CD which made it fun. There is a US Bank ATM on campus in Templeton.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the good info. I’ll have to ask DD1 how often she uses the account she has at the bank near her school. It’s much different from when I was in school. Then we used checks for everything. I’m not sure DD1 has opened her checkbook after two years.</p>

<p>Yes, with direct deposit, online payments and transfers, I don’t know if S4 even knows how to make a deposit or write a check. If your D has work study, I see they do direct deposit to their bank account, so a local bank may not be needed.</p>

<p>I did talk to DD1 yesterday and she says she uses her local account often. I think we may end up getting one for DD2 when we get out there.</p>