Barnard Transfer Fall 2022

Hi didn’t see a thread yet (probably too early) but I have some questions that I’m hoping someone can answer. I think I read somewhere that Barnard asks for 1 instructor eval from someone who has taught you within the last year. I’m entering my 4th semester at a 4 year global top20 (UofT for anyone who knows it) and would like to use a rec from a professor who taught me in my first semester here. Am I not allowed to do that? Additionally, when they say they require 1 letter, does that mean we can’t submit more than 1? What about non-academic letters? I would like to submit one from the prof/post-doc I’m doing research with.
Additionally, and this is a bit complicated, but my school cancelled all remaining final exams for fall 21 courses due to a rise in covid cases here (and we are now online till the end of jan at least) and closed campus. They offered unlimited CR/NCR for all affected courses and said that those courses will satisfy degree requirements (they didn’t earlier). I took 5 courses in the Fall, but 3 are full year courses and will not be graded till the end of spring 22. My remaining 2 courses did indeed have exams that were cancelled, and I’m CR/NCRing them both. They are not relevant to the major I’m applying to Barnard for at all. I was banking on the finals to bring up my grade because I was excused from some of the midterm work for medical reasons, but the school told the faculty to calculate final grade from midterm work, which left me in an unfortunate position. Do y’all think this means my app is going to be chucked out? My sophomore 1st sem will basically show 2 CRs and 3 “In progress”. My midterm report for spring should show 5 A-/As though (and I think 1 B). I also have 1 CR from a random geography elective (major unrelated) I took in my 2nd semester of freshman year. Is 3 total CRs across 2 years going to be frowned upon?
I was also wondering how relevant the SAT is for junior entrants. I have a 1550 and am hoping it will make up somewhat for my lackluster 3.61 CGPA. This place is called UofTears for a reason.


I’m also a soph transfer from UoT! I even have 4 CRs in my transcript.

Should we not talk about why we want to transfer to Barnard specifically in the personal statement? Since there’s also a Why Barnard supplement, I don’t want to be repetitive. I’m just a little confused b/c I thought our personal statement was supposed to explain why we want to transfer, but I the supplement seems to be asking us why we want to transfer too

I have the same question here, I’m confused what is expected of transfer personal statements b/c some schools like Barnard ask specifically yikes!

I believe the personal statement addresses your reasons for leaving your current institution, why you want to change your academic & social communities, your ultimate goals & ambitions & why your current institute wont allow you to achieve them. The college-specific essay should be about why Barnard is the right place for you to achieve those goals, about the aspects of life at Barnard that are especially well-suited to you.

Hi! I applied for fall 2022 as a junior transfer as well. I got an email from them today asking me to fill out a form about which of my Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 classes are online, if any (my school has been a messy class-to-class hybrid system since Sept 21 and even spent all of January and February this year online because of omicron), does anyone know what that’s for and did anyone else get it?

im not sure what it’s for but I got it as well! I’m applying as a sophomore transfer.

I didn’t get one but I’m guessing it’s good and that they are seeing how many of your credits would actually transfer over! :slight_smile:

I just got one today as a freshman:)? Is it a good sign?

did you get one today?

did anyone else get an email asking for copies of your syllabi?

No. Did they ask for each course you’ve taken? Is the syllabi different from the course descriptions they requested with the initial application? Sounds promising!

No I didn’t get one yet :frowning:

That was meant to be a sad face—->:(

Also did anyone else apply for financial aid?

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r u a freshman or a sophomore?

I’m a freshman applying to transfer for my sophomore year!

I am the same! Maybe wait for a bit longer? The ones who got email last week were mostly sophomore and I am a freshman who got it this week; maybe see if you are getting anything next week?

I am a freshman also and didn’t receive one … maybe they care more about course work (in detail) for older students with more classes?? I am sure it will be fine either way !

I am a freshman and got one and I know another freshman who also got it but it seems like it’s mostly sophomores who got it so far; they’re still reviewing so perhaps you’ll get it this Thursday!