Barnard Waitlist 2027

You are very resourceful! Whoa, 25% more! Not sure whether this would predict more yield rate this year (> 65%). For sure, the yield rate also depends on what other schools ( better than Barnard ) these excellent students have got.


Hm, hopefully they’ll have a good amount of finaid budget left for waitlisted students.

Unlike previous years it looks like there is no movement on WLs yet.


hey!! waitlisted student here. Wrote my LOCI but am having second thought about the format. Barnard wants you to submit through their form so you’re limited to 500 words. They have a mini “prompt” that asks we would appreciate hearing any updates about your continued interest in Barnard. In particular, expanded information about why you chose to apply to Barnard and the fit you see between you and the College is helpful when re-reviewing your application.

right now I have a big section dedicated to my accomplishments/updates since applying and that only leaves 100 words for explicitly telling AOs that I love Barnard. My updates do connect to that sentiment, but I’m wondering if it would be a bad idea for me to spend most of the time talking about what I did rather than why I fit Barnard?

In short: do I send a traditional LOCI letter to Barnard (intro–>updates–> why i love barnard–>conclusion) OR a “why Barnard” style supplement letter?

You have 400 words of updates? Can you share what those are? If it’s grades, or honor roll, or other mainstream things, I suggest focusing on how you will engage at Barnard. Specifics. Classes you will take, a prof doing research you are interested in and would like to work with, activities/clubs you will participate in. (If you addressed this in your why barnard essay, then don’t duplicate)

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thank you for the reply!

so 100 words of exposition/conclusion, detailing my commitment to enrolling/mentioned my campus visits and other demonstrated interest (will edit to be more concise)

290 words of updates. idk what counts as mainstream, but I wrote about my work in UNICEF and science olympiad (money raised and medals earned, leadership) as their respective president and captains, then a job at a hospital and a big community project i’ve been working on for 2 years turning out successful! 4 bullet points in total, longest one is the community project cause I give a little commentary on why I think it’s important.

Basically, do y’all think my AO will want to hear about these things or should I dedicate the whole letter to talking about why I applied/want to do at Barnard?

Much appreciated <3

Personally, my LOCI followed the traditional layout of one paragraph for academic achievements and another for EC updates. Then two paragraphs on Barnard fit. “cause I give a little commentary on why I think it’s important” If you can find a way to connect it to Barnard and why’d you be a great addition to the campus and student body, then include it. For everything else, try to shorten the 290 words of updates and give more space for the “Why Barnard”.

I’d also like to add that Barnard has already deemed you academically qualified and liked your essays and ECs. A LOCI should focus on trying to get them to like you more, so your reg. AO can defend your case better in that committee room. Best of luck!


I mean I made 3 LOCIs. I gave EC/award updates while relating it to specific Barnard courses and clubs and to Barnard’s values as a whole. So it wouldn’t hurt to make multiple LOCI but don’t make too many because they probably won’t read all of it tbh. If you can condense it the best way you can while selling yourself then do so but don’t be afraid to send multiple if you need it.

Generally, you’ve already passed the first hurdle, of NOT having been rejected - they already decided that your stats and ECs are a good match.

So, I’d highlight one major accomplishment/update - but give more weight to citing factors that show the AO your commitment to Barnard.


Thank you all for your help! I got some much needed information and grinded out my final LOCI yesterday following y’alls’ advice :))) Hoping for the best now.

Best of luck to all the other applicants here <3

I hope that someone gets a call this week :heart:

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I’ve convinced myself they will start calling the waitlist this week. Good luck everyone.

I know this is not a thread for the two schools my D is debating between. But I am looking for an impartial feedback.

After a long wait my D got off the waitlist at Case Western. She also got into UPitt honors. We all were starting to make up our mind for her to go to Pitt. Now with the pleasant surprise we are back to the drawing board. Any suggestions between UPitt and Case? She wants to pursue pre-med.

If she gets off Barnard’s waitlist then all the debate is moot :grinning:


Congratulations! Case western is amazing for science. They are so innovative and doing amazing research if she’s interested in that aspect of medicine. Pitt is also really well respected and what a beautiful campus. They are great choices, but maybe it comes down to ease of traveling there, the surrounding area, what she really wants out of her education?


My daughter made the admission deposit for Case Western this week. I believe the WL will open after 01 May.

has anyone received a urgent reply needed waitlist follow up?

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not me lol. did you get an email or something?

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yes it was an email sent 1 hour ago

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huh that’s weird. did you fill out the waitlist form on the barnard portal? maybe it’s regarding that. does it seem like an automated email or something that was written specifically for you? bc it might mean something different if it’s something about your app specifically

yes i did fill out that one hmm it is weird