Baruch vs. Hunter

<p>I got accepted into both Baruch and Hunter, but can’t decide between the two. I want to go into either psychology or pharmacy, and I know Hunter has a better reputation for programs related to those. However, I heard that the science classes I would need to take (Biology, Chemistry, etc.) are harder in Hunter, and could lower my GPA. Is there any truth to this and if there is, since GPA is important for graduate school, would I be better off going to Baruch?</p>

<p>nyckid, honestly, reputation wise,both are quite similar. Maybe if you were talking about Columbia vs CUNY, it would be different. I would pick the school that offers you the best deal as to price, net of scholarships and location. If they are both close in these factors, I would bet that you would get better grades at Baruch since there aren’t as many top students in the sciences as Hunter might attract.</p>

<p>If you’re going to study in the field of science or psychology, Hunter is known for top notch programs in those fields. Baruch is a very good school too and highly regarded for its business programs so if you want to do something in business, then go to Hunter. If you’re planning on studying something in science, go to Hunter.</p>