Basic questions regarding transfer

<p>I’ve been reading the forums quite frequently to get some questions answered but it seems most threads regarded very specific issues so here I am starting a new thread.</p>

<li><p>Is there absolutely no human to human contact during the application process? It seems like everything is done online. I don’t mind this process but it’s just how do I exactly know how many of my credit hours will transfer because it seems like I’m allowed to mail my transcripts after I’m admitted.</p></li>
<li><p>I have a major selected out and I’m wondering what “degree requirement” exactly means. Do I have to fulfill the required courses(GE) before I am admitted into the school?
For example, if I were to major in East Asian Studies and the requirements are to take “East Asian Humanities: the Great Tradition” (EALC 110g) and “East Asian Societies” (EASC 150g) as introductory courses, will I still be admitted to USC but not USC College of Letters, Arts, and Science? </p></li>
<li><p>Next, how difficult are the foreign language placement test? I haven’t taken a single year/semester of foreign language including high school, but I’m quite fluent in speaking and reading a foreign language, but I suffer greatly in the writing department.</p></li>
<li><p>Last but not least, will a prior military service(honorable discharge) help with admissions? Or is it something that’ll be brushed off?</p></li>

<p>Molamann, I don’t have answers to all your questions but wanted to let you know that there is a specific USC transfers thread in the “Transfers” forum, which you can find listed under “Discussion Home”. You may get a lot of info there.</p>

<p>you can contact USC via email or by phone for any questions you might have and perhaps you can find your admission counsellor if you need more personal contact.</p>

<p>[USC</a> Undergraduate Admission - Admission Counselor](<a href=“]USC”> – admission contact</p>