
<p>I'm concerned about the bathroom situation because I've never shared a bathroom with dozens of other people.
Especially in Cole hall, what are the bathrooms like?
Can you go into details about the shower.</p>

<p>Or in general/ in other halls?</p>

<p>My daughter will be your neighbor as she is in Sullivan, which was built around the same time, has similar room layouts, and I imagine it would have similar bathrooms. We were at SOAR last week and walked over to the dorm but were unable to get inside, though both Sullivan and Cole were hosting sports summer camps. </p>

<p>Have you attended SOAR yet? If you manage to get inside a bathroom, give us a report!</p>

<p>I’m also in Cole! Have you joined the Cole, Sullivan, and Leopold 2014-2015 group on Facebook? I just checked and a few weeks ago, someone from housing posted this:</p>

<p>“Bathrooms in Sullivan and Cole Residence Halls are pretty much the same. Elizabeth is correct – there are two per floor (one for each gender). In general, there are 4 sinks, 4 toilet stalls, and 4 private shower stalls per bathroom.”</p>

<p>Even British royalty had to share a bath in prep school. I think they have individual shower and bath stalls.Common sinks.</p>

<p>Remember to bring flip flops for the shower, and a shower caddy for your shampoo, soap, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste.</p>

<p>Saw Cole again several years ago- had lived in it eons ago. Son had stayed in Kronshage for a running camp and girls were checking out of Cole at the same time so asked permission to see it. There are now private shower stalls- the shower and a private dressing area with a bench? in front of it. As good as a home shower. Nice thing about the down the hall bathrooms- they get cleaned- you don’t have to do it! Most of the time there won’t be that many people wanting to use the facilities at the same time. People have different schedules and after the first week or so everyone figures out a routine. </p>

<p>Eons ago things weren’t half as nice- group area in front of the showers, of which half had decent pressure, different hot and cold sink faucets…They put in a handicap shower stall where there used to be a bathtub (who would ever chance using that?). The rooms included a built in dresser, beds that slid out from a bolster (think couch against each wall) and built in desk with bookshelves above. No refrigerators (or microwaves at all). They removed some built in features to give more flexibility. Check the lofting guide for possible room arrangements for you and your roommate.</p>

<p>Cole was the first Lakeshore dorm to become coed - fall of 1972, was originally women while Sullivan was men. Kronshage basement had a dining hall, as did Carson Gulley (next to Slichter) while Holt Commons had the area snack bar. New dining halls but still a la carte dining. Some things change and others remain the same. Liz Waters finally became coed in 2006- my mother and son both stayed in it.</p>

<p>Res Halls has kept up with renovations and maintenance in all of its halls. Each has its own character but they all have the same good standards. Work study students usually are the bathroom cleaners.</p>

<p>I lived in Sullivan 3 years ago, So I can can give you a overview on that. They are very similar buildings, So i would expect them to be about the same, I know the setup is the same, though numbers of stalls/showers might be a little different.</p>

<p>Bathrooms are shared by the whole floor, one men and one women. They’re cleaned daily and the hours for that are typically posted on the door and don’t change during the year. Usually it’s about 3 showers/3 toilets in the bathroom, I would say that lines and waits are very rare and usually you only have them during the first week before everyone gets their routines down, if you need to you can go up/down and use the other bathrooms. New dorms (Smith, Leopold/Ogg/Dejope) have a higher shower/student ratio</p>

<p>Showers are basically person sized stalls, all non-accessible showers have locking door. The nicest thing is that you’ll never run out of hot water (3 years and it’s never happened to me once). If something goes wrong and you fill out a MARS report it will get fixed super fast, which means all showers are working. Usually there are hooks outside of the shower door, but that will vary by dorm. Outlets are near the sinks for whatever you need to plug in, and again, wait times are almost non-existent for sinks. </p>

<p>At night the hall lights can be a little bright (if you were sleeping and walk out of your room), but no one thinks anything of you wandering down to the bathroom in PJs. In fact, many people will walk to and from the bathroom showers in just a towel. You get used to it after a while.</p>