Baylor University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2024 Admission

I talked with my admissions consultant about my concern of having applied in early September but still no decision. She said that all applicants are basically put in a giant pool and pulled at random to be reviewed. I don’t understand this process at all, isn’t it more professional to go in order they are received? Even Texas A&M has a more systematic way of reviewing.

That is my understanding of how it works too. That applications are randomly batched for committee review. It seems there are always high stats kids who have to wait.

I understand not necessarily deciding all applications in the order received. They could rationally want to see how many yield from their most preferred applicants before making final decisions on marginal applicants, for example. Randomly doesn’t sound great from an organizational perspective, but my bigger complaints are about their lack of transparency on merit scholarships. I see this year they removed test scores from consideration. Sigh.

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My son unexpectedly found an acceptance in his portal today! No email. His application was complete on November 3, so this was a very nice surprise.


Email just arrived – he must have just caught the moment in between the portal updating and the email being sent.

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Congratulations to your son!

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Is anyone aware of an applicant being invited to DS day and not being admitted to the school? My son received an invite to DS day, but waiting to hear about admission to the school. Seems odd to invite to come down for a special day if not admitted. Thank you!

Happened to someone else as above in the thread as well. Sounds like admission is coming! My son receive me admission and DS invite came shortly after.

Congratulations to your son! Can you share any stats with us? Like was he test optional or did he give in test scores? What major did he apply for? We are anxiously awaiting acceptance, hopefully by the end of the month. My son applied at the beginning of October. He is a professional flight/aviation major, but did test optional. Again congratulations to your son!


It sounds like the order applications are reviewed is random, unfortunately. I fully expected we would be waiting based on people above saying they applied earlier. His actual application was in several weeks earlier, but the counselor did not send the transcript until Nov. 1, so we got notification that it was complete on Nov. 3.

My son applied for business and has strong metrics – test scores (he submitted) and grades well above the 75th percentile and what we think is an interesting extracurricular profile and things that make Baylor a good fit. Still, this major is an increasingly difficult admit across schools, especially for boys. Hoping your son has good news soon!

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Daughter accepted ED on 10/5
Her stats:
4.1 WGPA (top 20%)
32 ACT
1350 SAT
6 AP classes
Lots of ECs and volunteer hours

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I also got an acceptance email last night; too, I applied for early action on 10/13


Congratulations!!! Do you mind sharing your GPA and if you were test optional? Major?

Thank you, I applied for test-optional, and I’m in the top 20%
I applied for Biology with pre-pa


I saw that, and was just wondering if anyone had heard of the inverse of being invited, but then not being extended an admission. We’re trying not to get hopes up and just trust everything will work out as God intends, but it can be a little hard. :smile:

Your son getting receiving admission and then getting the DS invite makes more sense to me. Congratulations to your son! This is such an exciting time for HS seniors.

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Thank you, just saw my typo! Yes, his did happen in the correct order, but I think it’s because he applied so early. I would absolutely take the DS invite as a wonderful precursor to an acceptance! So I will say congrats now and we can think of it as such!!! It’s so stressful, take those little wins when they come!


Congrats to everyone who was recently accepted! Despite my concerns of not hearing anything for about 3 months, I was accepted and got into the BIC program this week!

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YAY! Congrats!!! So exciting!!!

Three months must have felt like forever. So happy for you that it was well worth the wait. Congratulations!

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You are kind and I hope to thank you in full soon :smile: I told my son to be happy that he got invited to a DS day as not everyone does. You are right that we have to focus on the small wins as well. The college process feels like it keeps changing, and there are fewer guarantees based on hitting metrics, so those small wins are even more important to celebrate!

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How did you find out about BIC? Is it somewhere in the portal?

D24 applied for University Scholars, but given that we don’t receive portal related emails, and no one at Baylor seems to care enough to really help with that problem, I am wondering where we should look for that.

Has anyone heard about Honors generally?