As I was attempting to put together my schedule in MyBama I came into a dilemma…the available courses for physics 1 and chem 2 are remaining with difficult professors that have a notoriety on RateMyProffessor for being tough to get a passing grade in…It is my understanding (correct me if I am wrong on this) that UA is cracking down on “jockeying” (switching sections just for a different professor) and wait list opportunities. I am concerned that if I go into BB and end up in one of these classes I may end up in a struggle to keep my GPA up my first year and jeopardize my scholarships. I guess my question is this…
As a chemE major coming in with 40 credit hours towards my degree, would it be wise to consider putting off physics 1 and chem 2 until my second semester of freshman year when I can use my honors college and sophomore status to get increase priority for a better teacher? In return my first semester would still consist of the regular engineering classes (ENGR 111 and 103) and the rest would be filled with electives and humanities to finish requirements of my degree. As I have it planned out I still believe I have enough room to graduate in 4 years with this plan.
If there is any chance to take physics 1 and chem 2 with a better professor (even though they’re filled right now) I will be grateful to listen to any suggestions. I wanted to post here before talking to an adviser because I am not sure how understanding they would be with me having concerns with certain professors…any insight and help will be appreciated. Roll Tide!