<p>can we bring bcg's from home is we still got them from basic? i've never trusted army supply people, they always "opressive white man" me out everything.</p>
<p>Yea, you guys won't be WEARING BCGs... The Corps has... :) I am now allowed to say that.</p>
<p>what are we wearing?</p>
<p>3-D glasses---for the modern battlefield. :)</p>
<p>...New program, they are just gonna replace your eyes on R-day....</p>
<p>... new program, there is no R-day...</p>
<p>seriously- what are doing for people who wear glasses? BCGs' ? wileyX's? seriously- can anyone give a straight answer for '10???</p>
<p>its some oakley battle goggle i think. i heard they are not as bad as BCG and are kind of stylish. But thats onlky what i heard</p>
<p>marines4me? what are we wearing?</p>
<p>They started that out at Ft. Benning (The special glasses program) But I talked to the optomistrists before I left and they didn't say anything about implementing it at West Point. Take your BCGs with you, it's always handy to have a spare pair or two.</p>
<p>I read that they will be issuing ranger goggles.</p>