Bcs Bowls

<p>Which ones are you watching?</p>

<p>Im watching:
Alamo Bowl
Orange Bowl
Fiesta Bowl</p>

<p>It's not a priority of mine to watch any of them. My team isn't in a bowl game this year, for like the first time in 13 years or something. What a bummer.</p>

<p>I'll watch the Rose Bowl, but not sure who I'm pulling for. I generally speaking hate the University of Texas (no real reason, just a team I don't like) for sports. However I'm also going to UCLA, so it goes without saying how I feel about USC. I'll watch the game as a sports fan, but I could really careless who wins, since I dislike both.</p>

<p>Of course on Friday I'll tune in the Sun Bowl, since that's our bowl game. I'm sure I'll catch a few others, but only as I find them.</p>

<p>I'll be watching the Fiesta Bowl.</p>

<p>I'm sure I'll see parts of other ones, but the Fiesta Bowl is the one I'll really be watching.</p>

<p>If Maryland is in any of them...then I'll watch that one. But I don't really follow college sports, so I don't know yet.</p>

<p>Fiesta Bowl.</p>

<p>Alamo Bowl- GO NEBRASKA</p>

<p>the BCS sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>Let's go for a playoff. Even if it's only 4 teams.</p>

<p>To spicen up this thread: who are you all rooting for? :p</p>

<p>Sugar Bowl of course</p>


<p>yea...not gonna lie... rooting for buckeyes and longhorns. I cant wait for texas to beat USC. i hate teams that consistantly win year in and year out.
also...im not the hugest notre dame fan.</p>

<p>Okay....so I watched the Alamo Bowl because my brother goes to Michigan and my dad and brother were watching it.</p>

<p>Haha..Kinglin....Michigan won!</p>

<p>The BUckeyes of course.</p>

<p>So does anyone else think it's funny that Brady Quinn's sister is going out with A.J. Hawk?</p>

I think Michagan lost by like 4, that last play was pathetic. The person who thought of that play should be shot.
And Maryland missed the Bowl game this year. </p>

<p>I am going to watch the Holiday Bowl and root for Oregon since I feel sorry for them not making the BCS bowls. </p>

<p>For the BCS bowls, I am watching the Fiesta and Rose since they are the only ones worth watching. Go USC and NOTRE DAME, I am confident that they will slaughter the cow and beat buckeyes.</p>

<p>yeah...why feel sorry for oregon. if you actually watch college football you would know they beat no good teams this year. they were slaughtered by the only ranked team they played (usc) and actually dont deserve a bcs game. on the other hand, flordia state doesnt either</p>

<p>Did they really lose B_B? Haha...I feel dumb. Yeah, I actually fell asleep about 1/3 of the way into the 4th quarter. I guess me falling asleep is bad luck for Michigan lol...they just can't win without my watchful eye.</p>

<p>But yeah...go Notre Dame!</p>

<p>Fiesta Bowl</p>

<p>I used to live near Ohio State, which meant growing up with automatic prejudice toward Notre Dame and Michigan</p>

<p>Diana606, what do you mean Michigan won, they lost to Nebraska. From the front page of the alamo bowl website "Nebraska improves to 5-0 in the Alamodome as they clinch a 32-28 victory over Michigan"</p>

<p>If your interested you can buy me a Nebraska, Alamo Bowl champions shirt here <a href="http://www.huskers.com/sell/ViewItem.dbml?CARTKEY=KKYWGSKBNIPWKIP.20051229234935&DB_OEM_ID=100&ITMID=4286%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.huskers.com/sell/ViewItem.dbml?CARTKEY=KKYWGSKBNIPWKIP.20051229234935&DB_OEM_ID=100&ITMID=4286&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>
