Bcs Bowls

<p>Sure Kinglin....I'll buy you a shirt. Do you mean [url=<a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8343726009&category=15687#ebayphotohosting%5Dthis%5B/url"&gt;http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8343726009&category=15687#ebayphotohosting]this[/url&lt;/a&gt;] one? LOL</p>

<p>Mods....please don't ban me, that was the only shirt I saw.</p>

<p>I've seen that same picture before, except it said that Michigan sucks.</p>

<p>^^^ Hahaha....that was a funny joke. It probably said Ohio LOL!</p>

<p>I dont think West Virginia deserves to be in the BSC bowls. </p>

<p>They played no real opponets,their first four games were against teams that didnt even make post season this year. Playing Wofford in their second game. </p>

<p>They only play Viriginia Tech, who is a decent team, and lost badly. Then won the next few against unworthy teams. So with that record, they really shoudnt be in the BCS. </p>

<p>Gerogia will kill them in the Sugar Bowl. West Virginia has no offense and a medicore defense.</p>

<p>Let's see...</p>

<p>Sun Bowl - GO BRUINS!</p>

<p>uh.. also rose bowl to watch TEXAS!!! (don't worry, i'll be against them when UCLA supposedly plays them next year)</p>

<p>holy cow, texas and usc the same year, plus oregon too. that's tough for ucla next year.... 3 BCS teams. oops, make that only 2</p>

<p>BCS sucks! screws over pac-10 again!</p>

<p>I just got the craziest idea ever, what will happen if they let the Division-I, Divison-IA, Divison-II, and Divison-III champions compete for some kind of "super college bowl"?</p>

<p>That be fun to watch. :)</p>

<p>KFC4U, I believe we also get to play Notre Dame next year in South Bend... It's going to be a very rough year.</p>

<p>oh yeah that's right! USC, Texas, Notre Dame, Oregon. WOW WHAT A SCHEDULE! </p>

<p>now i really hope i misheard the news. maybe the texas game isn't next year?</p>

okay i heard wrong. UCLA isn't playing texas next year. it must've been that they signed a contract to play texas in the near future.</p>

<p>Oh No! Notre Dame lost :(</p>

<p>i know ! my reaction exactly !</p>

<p>Yeah when that last touchdown came, less than 2 minutes to the end,I was just thinking...that's it. There is no way that they could win the game now. And they were actually having a pretty good season.</p>

<p>It's always disheartening to see OSU win. sigh...</p>

<p>There were some bad calls (and lack thereof!) that really hurt ND. Parts of that game made me pretty angry.</p>

<p>Fiesta Bowl</p>

<p>I do apologize for any rudeness, but I thought someone said WVU would get murdered by GA?....seems they're doing just fine to me...</p>

<p>On other notes...how about those Hokies?</p>

<p>How about those Hoos in the Music City?...Haggans finally decided to throw a consistent game for once.....</p>

<p>Notre Dame's defense was crap today...they didn't deserve to win....their ends kept diving inward, leaving people open.....i mean seriously...they played like they were still in highschool! Their offense wasn't too bad...it could've used some improvement...but, their D was so uncoordinated and slow....</p>

<p>now here's the question of the day...who thinks the Longhorns have a chance against the Trojans?</p>

<p>bah the trojans will dominate the longhorns.</p>

<p>B_B that would not be very exciting, Div I-A would win every year.</p>

<p>What needs to happen is the ivy league needs to stop having co champions and let the ivy champ play in the Div I-AA post season tournament.</p>

<p>the Sugar Bowl was a total dissapointment</p>

<p>the Sugar Bowl was fantastic....WVU played one hell of a game....they had that D down, and they were running great offensive plays as well....they saw opportunities and took them...now....the Fiesta Bowl...that's another story....Notre Dame played like ****!!!!!!!!......if they'd have played to their full potential, it wouldn't have been such a disappointment.</p>

<p>in Vince Young I trust.</p>