Becoming a nurse when I am currently attending UC Merced?

<p>I am currently attending UC Merced and majoring in Human Biology. I have two different stories on becoming a nurse. I was thinking of transfering to a CSU ASAP and do the 4 year program they provide but i know the draw back is that the nursing program at all CSU are impacted and i might be at the school for a long time. </p>

<p>Someone told me I could graduate UC Merced with a Biology major and apply to a Nursing school (like someone majoring in biology applying to medical school) is this true? if this is true how many years will it take?</p>

<p>I’m not sure what the “someone” meant. However, some (many?) colleges with undergraduate BSN Nursing Programs offer something called an “Accelerated 2nd Degree BSN” for people that already have a Baccalaureate Degree. Here is a link to one at the University of Pittsburgh that my niece will be graduating from in December.
[Accelerated</a> 2nd Degree BSN | Academics at the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing](<a href=“]Accelerated”>
It is very fast paced and not easy, but if you already have a Baccalaureate Degree and want to become a nurse it may be the quickest route.
Good Luck!</p>

<p>My sister was at UCLA and majored in Poli Sci, then took her necessary pre-reqs for nursing school (to be a registered nurse - RN) and applied to nursing school. She got into the nursing school at UCLA. It took her 2-3 years of extra school</p>